lxxi 🤐

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"FELIX... look at me, I swear I'm not mad."
The older had to blink a few times before looking up to face Jake. "I can understand why you were so worried to tell me. You didn't want to seem like a hypocrite right? When I left Australia with barely a warning and you held a grudge for so long because I was being a bad friend. You thought I too would get angry and think of you in a bad way."

Felix sighed with relief. The younger fully knew what was racing through his mind. "But guess what, I'm okay, yes I'm shocked, but I'm far from mad. I've seen your father and holy shit, bro- you deserve a fucking trophy." Jake gave the powder a weak smile, although he was totally calm and understanding of Felix's situation, it was still sad to know he wouldn't see one of his closest friends for a whole month.

"Come here..." the older shot up from his seat and immediately jumped onto the younger, pulling him into a tight hug. A sort of goodbye. "I'll miss you Lix... a lot."
"Our time together has been so short, I'm gonna miss seeing one my best friends." Jake raised a brow at the statement as he pulled away from the embrace. "Please- you know Jisung is my best, best friend." Felix said smugly.
"Ugh- I'm hurt! But honestly fair enough, you Yek are attached to the hip." The younger said dramatically.

The two laughed, enjoying their final time together.


Seungmin, Chan, Hyunjin, Jisung, Jeongin and Minho were staring all at each other in confusion. Felix had gathered the 6 of them quite abruptly so they all waited in anticipation for the bye's arrival.

"Why did Felix ask us all to meet him?" Hyunjin asked as he fiddled with Seungmin's hand. "I'm not sure, he just randomly called me and asked if we could have some lunch. It was sort of out of nowhere."Jisung chimed. "He seemed stress on the call, I hope he's okay." Jeongin stammered.

Whilst the other 5 discussed the possibilities of Felix's sudden invitation, Chan was fully aware of what was to come. His breath hitched and he silently prayed everyone else would take the news well.
"He's here..." The boy muttered to himself as he saw the fellow Australian entering the restaurant.

"Hey guys..." Felix said as he walked over to the table he reserved for the group. "Lix! Took you long enough." Jisung said as patted the younger's back. "What's up, why'd you want to talk with all of us?"
Minho asked the boy. "Well- could we please have lunch first, I promise I'll explain everything later."


Although the meal was absolutely delicious, every single person at the table was basically on edge the whole time. Seungmin and Hyunjin kept locking eyes with Minho and Jisung hoping either had an idea of Felix's mysterious announcement, but both couples didn't have a clue. Jeongin worried as Chan was much more silent than he usually was and he noticed how the older kept looking to Felix as he ate his food.

Did Chan know what was going on?

"Okay..." Felix finally stammered, everyone's head whipping up to look to the boy immediately. "So... I think it's about time I tell you all why I invited you here and so abruptly..." 5 of the boys nodded whilst Chan slightly flicked his head to signal Felix that he was going to be okay, everything was going to be okay.

"I've known these news for a few days and I never expected to tell you all this... I should first probably give some context before I give the final details.

My father for the past 3 months has been very harsh on my studies and recently he found about my relationship with Changbin. He hates it. He hates that I'm gay, he hates my relationship, I'm convinced he hates me as well..."

Felix choked on his words and felt a single tear trail on his cheek towards his trembling lips. Jisung stood from the other side of the table, immediately holding the younger in a tight embrace. Even the single hug made Felix want to cry and sob to express the built in emotions that developed over the last 3 months.

"A-and he gave us two choices...
We could've either broken up, I would've been allowed to go back to Australia, back to financial stability and ensured a roof over my head.
Or I could've stayed with Changbin, guaranteed a miserable life and both of us would've been cut off from our families... permanently..."

All 6 boys gasped, even Chan didn't know the extent of Felix's situation. "Lix... we had no idea..." Jisung muttered. "What did you mean by he would've let come back to Australia?" Jeongin asked, whilst completely in shock. "M-my mo-mother... she apparently had a drinking problem and she asked my father t-to find me somewhere else to go because sh-she didn't want me to see her in her condition. My father found out I was gay so it was the perfect opportunity.

As soon as he knew, he kicked me out of the house and forbade me to live with my family and in general all of Australia and my mother helped me get a scholarship here in Korea. I received free accommodation for the dorms and the reason I work 2 jobs is to pay for my food and basic needs because I refused to let Changbin pay everything for me. I don't know if you guys other than Chan know how powerful and dangerous my father is."

All 7 exchanged eye contact, lost in a sea of confusion, hurt, disgust, sadness, anger and empathy.

"When are you leaving?"

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