lxxiii 📚

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"WOOYOUNG! WAIT!" The younger finally stopped in his steps and found himself rolling his eyes. Great... Wooyoung turned in his spot and he crossed his arms over his chest in annoyance.
Wasn't he clear enough at the cafe?
Why was San bothering him now?

"I really need to talk to you... please..." San's eyes begged as he looked to Wooyoung. The younger immediately felt dizzy and stunned.
Why does he have to be so fucking handsome?! Nevertheless, he glanced to the side as if the slightly, suspiciously stained walls of the school's hallway was the most fascinating thing he'd observed.

"I know you're intentionally ignoring but please... hear me out. I know we're not even friends right now, but can you at least let us be friends for the next 5 minutes?" The older clasped his hands together, almost like is he was praying.
"Fine... but only for 5 minutes..." Wooyoung mentally slapped himself for letting him be easily influenced by the older's hypnotising stare.

San smiled and ushered the younger to the library where no student ever visited, especially during their lunch and free periods.

The older happily took his seat on the dusty couch in the very far corner of the library, hidden in plain sight but Wooyoung on the other hand was skeptical. He too sat on the furniture, making sure he was as far away as he could whilst being in close proximity to San.

"Okay- what do you want from me?" The younger asked, a clear hint of stubbornness in his tone and arms still crossing over his chest protectively. "I saw you at lunch and I just wanted to clear things up." Wooyoung raised a brow at the older and turned to face San. "Woo... I saw you staring at me..."

The younger's eyes widened and he felt his cheeks heating as he blushed profusely.
"I- I SO WAS NOT!" San immediately pressed his index finger to Wooyoung's lips hushing him. "What are you doing?" The younger barely muttered, but his speech was slightly incoherent because of the latter's digit squashing his mouth.
"The librarian was giving you a nasty look." San replied with an eye roll.

The older retracted his touch and Wooyoung continued to blush from his embarrassment. "Anyways... I wasn't staring at you..."
"Okay, so I saw you admiring me from a distance."
"Are you so full of yourself that you think I was really looking at you?" The younger asked, his arms growing tenser. "Well- Yeji said you were and-"

Yeji Hwang.

"Why do you have to make everything about yourself?!" Wooyoung could hear his tone was a lot more angered and hurt then he intentionally planned on. "How do I make everything about myself?" San said in a saddened tone, making the younger jump up to his feet.
"For fuck's sake, San! I wasn't looking at you at all during lunch and I didn't 'admire you from a distance' plus you don't have to rub it in my face all the time that Yeji is your fiancé. I GET IT!"

"JUNG!" The librarian finally snapped and gave Wooyoung a look that made him immediately sink onto the couch one more. "If I hear another word from you that's a decibel higher than an inside voice, I will kick you and Mr. Choi out, got it?"
"Woo..." The younger's head snapped to face the older who now had slightly teary eyes and his knees were close to his chest. "I'm sorry that you're upset. I know you tried to be clear with me at the café that you basically hate me and you want nothing to do with me."

"Don't be stupid, San. I don't hate you. I could never hate you, I overreacted and I'm so sorry." The older slightly smiled as he wiped away a stray tear that dripped from his right eye.
"That's a relief, I could never hate you too."

The two chuckled and before they knew it, they were in a tight hug that the two had dearly missed. Wooyoung missed the way that San would caress his back and softly squeeze his arms, making him feel safe and secure. San missed the way Wooyoung would play with his hair and tug on his shirt, making him always giddy and happy with the younger in his arms.

But as quickly as the hug happened, so was the two immediately jumping away from each other, now gaining composure and their 'cool' facade. It went back to what it was before, silent and unsettling.

"Wooyoung, to be completely transparent, I think I wanted us to talk for a dumb reason..."
"And what dumb reason would that be?"
"I can't get over you and you clearly don't like me so I too want to know how to fall out of love."

"What is it that I have to do, to fall out of love..."

Wooyoung slightly cringed as he thought about the fact that he was the one who proposed the idea. As much as we wanted to move on, a large part (as in all) of him wanted San to stay with him and love him like old times before everything had gotten so complicated.

"Y-you also want to move on?" Wooyoung slightly stammered, his voice noticeably quivering.
"If that'll bring you peace and make you happy, I'm willing to try my hardest." San replied genuinely, letting his legs go and his eyes no longer glassy.


As they both left the library, quickly splitting ways as soon as the bell rang, they both immediately smacked their foreheads. They were both trying to get over the other and they now had plans to hang out and they too had no clue how to get out of it without making complete fools of themselves.

Maybe making a fool of the themselves wasn't what they were scared of, maybe they were scared that now they were gonna fall even harder for each other than before.

And falling for someone is a very high place to go from.

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