lxxxii 🍷

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THE older's eyes slightly widened and he looked up to the latter with a tilted head from slight confusion.
"I paid for it myself, so here's your money back."
Jake held the cash towards the older and Changbin reluctantly took it and finally gave the younger a smile with gratitude.
"Thanks Jake- you're a good guy."
"Mhm... by the way, are you okay? Is that a bruise on your cheek?" The Australian asked with genuine concern.

Changbin raised a brow and whipped his phone out. Indeed... it was a bruise. "Oh- I didn't know that was there." The older replied as he examined the mix of brown, yellow and purple on his face.
"That looks like it hurt- how did that happen?"


Earlier that night...

Changbin was bored. What do you do when you're bored? You obviously go to a bar and take a few shots. The boy was minding his own business, wallowing in his depression and starting to feel the effects of the alcohol he consumed over the last hour. He wasn't drunk but he felt slightly lightheaded.

"Hello handsome..." Changbin furrowed his eyebrows and turned his head to see a man in a business suit, a smirk and a raised brow on his face. 'Holy shit- he's so fucking hot-' the boy thought to himself. "Hello yourself." He replied as he turned in his seat.

"I'm Lin Jeon."
"I'm Seo Changbin."
"You caught my eye and I wanted to talk to you."
"Really? How did I catch your eye?"
"You're extremely handsome and seem very fit."
The boy felt his cheeks slightly flare up and he smiled at the man.

The next few minutes consisted of Jeon and Changbin sharing a lengthy conversation with a few attempts of flirting here or there from both of them. The younger of the two, Changbin, chose not to drink anymore whilst the older, Jeon, downed shot after shot.

"It was really nice to talk to you, but I have to go." Changbin said as he stood up and held his hand out to shake the elder's. Jeon groaned and he slouched in his seat with a sour expression on his face. "You're leaving already?" He whined childishly. "We're not even gonna hookup?" Jeon pouted with puppy eyes.

"I already like someone, I only met you an hour ago... and aren't you a bit older than me?" Changbin said with a slight tone of being uncomfortable. Jeon was already in college, the younger wasn't interested.

"But- I- no- you listen here. You seem like a smart kid and with a body like yours- you could get anything you want. I have lots of money, and I really think you could be of some use to me. So why don't we make a little deal?" Jeon gave a toothy grin that made Changbin feel unsettled.

"As a high school student- I bet it can be hard to have a balance of having to care for you and your friends with limited budgets, but I am more than willing to help. You could be richer than you would've ever imagined if you just do a teensy-weensy favour for me." Jeon carefully swiped his thumb on Changbin's bottom lip, before capturing his own lip in his teeth.

Changbin would be lying if he said he had never wished he had more money. His father was a single parent who worked from 9-5 with a below average pay. Changbin had been working since he was 13 to try help his father and their combined struggle barely provided enough as they wanted to admit for the two of them.

The last few years of his life, Changbin himself had paid for his dorm, education and living expenses by himself and it was all taking a toll on him.

No one knew about his struggles with money except for Felix since the Australian had helped him with his financial stability with his own riches. The 100 million won that Mr.Lee had given to their family had been used for their essentials, taxes and bills and the money easily disappeared.

Extra money would be really helpful...

"W-what would this 'favour' be exactly?" Changbin asked as he fidgeted with his hands. Jeon smiled and brushed a strand of hair away from the younger's eyes. "My girlfriend is very shy when it comes to sex. The most we've done is make out. She's nice and all- but I have certain needs as a man. I was hoping you'd be able to help me out. I'll pay you $150 per hourly session. We go past a week, I'll raise the pay to $200 per session. What do you think?"

Changbin gulped as he felt Jeon slowly creep is hand up his thigh and he shivered. 'This is not right. No amount of money is worth this...' The younger of the two immediately stood up and shook his head. He needed the money, but he felt extremely uncomfortable and his conscious was screaming at how awful he was feeling. "I really appreciate the offer- but I have to decline. I don't think I'm comfortable to do this type of work and- I barely even know you..."

"I mean- we've introduced ourselves to each other and we've been talking for quite a bit... I don't see the problem, Binnie."

He crossed the line. Changbin had never let anyone else call him that nickname other than Felix.

"No- I don't want to, thank you, but I can't, I won't." The older of the two stood up from his seat and he eyed the shorter with a look that honestly scared Changbin. His eyes were darkened and cold.

Everything seemed to stop in time. The loud music of the bar started to slowly fade away and all Changbin could hear was his and Jeon's breath. All the boy could see was the man infront of him and he could not tear his eyes away. He was petrified.

"I need to go..." Changbin finally turned and he started his route to leaving the bar. "You can't go- we should at least have one more drink together..." Jeon smirked and grabbed onto the younger's wrist, his other hand still holding onto an unfinished bottle of soju.

"Let me go. NOW!" Changbin screamed. This exclamation caught the attention of a few other patrons who were in the middle of dancing or ordering drinks. "It's fine! He's always hysterical when he's drunk." Jeon said as he rolled his eyes.
Unfortunately, he convinced the then concerned people who continued having a great time. Changbin was stuck with Jeon.

The man without hesitation landed a painful punch on the left side of the younger's face. Changbin whimpered and found Jeon starting to laugh hysterically.

The younger quickly elbowed the man in the chest and quickly raced through the crowd of people, he fiddled with the doorknob until he finally left the club. He attempted to catch his breath, but he found himself starting to cry. Changbin just wanted some time to clear his head and now all he had on his mind was would he even make it home that night.

"YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!" A bottle smashed against the brick wall. Shards of sharp glass shattered and scattered across the street. "PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!" The boy yelled once more as the latter continued to hop and limp towards him.


"I went to the park and these kids were playing frisbee. I think you can put two and two together." Changbin sighed. "Ouch- that must've been a strong throw." Jake replied with a slight wince as he inspected the bruise once more.
"I-it's fine, it'll heal." The older reiterated.
"Mhm- I have to go back and finish my shift. I'll see you soon?" The younger asked.

Why would he treat me so well after I blamed him for something that he never did?
I blamed him for something terrible and selfish, yet he shows me kindness and selflessness...

"Is that a yes? I'll take the silence as a yes. See you later, hyung." Jake smiled and immediately went back to the cashier where an impatient looking man had been waiting for a while.

How did I ever hate him?

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