xlvi 💛

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FELIX immediately regretted the words that left his lips. Jake was completely shocked and he mentally slapped himself from his oblivious nature. He never wanted to hurt his friend.

But he did... so badly...

"I hate that I fell in love with you...
I hate that I actually held onto my hope that your promise was true...
I hate that I waited for 3 years... at least Chan made some effort to keep in touch.
I hate that you just waltzed right back into my life after all of this time and there is still a part of me is happy about it.
I want to hate you so fucking bad..."

"I wanted to contact you I swear- being a trainee is so exhausting physically but as well mentally...
I just- I knew if I talked to you, I would've swam back to Australia if I could. I would've done anything to see you again but I knew I would've let my parents down... I'm really sorry- I hurt you because I was so selfish."

"You were always such a great singer..."
"And you were always such a great dancer."

The two softly chuckled, wiped away their remaining tears and pulled each other into the biggest hug. "You always gave the best hugs..." Jake said as he snuggled into Felix's familiar touch, the touch he had missed for the past 3 years.
"You were the best at receiving hugs."

"I do have to ask though..." Jake stated as he pulled away. "It's very important..."
"And what would that be?" The older replied.
"Was that guy from earlier your boyfriend?"

"Uh... well... it's- it's complicated."
"Mhm... your cheeks are pink- YOU DO LIKE HIM!"
Felix jokingly elbowed the younger who was in tears from his laughter.

"Yongbok has a cruuush~"
"Call me Yongbok one more time...
I fucking dare you."
"Yongbok, Yongbok, Yongb-"

Felix pounced onto the younger and immediately started to tickle Jake.
"O-OK! [giggles] Y-YOU WIN!" Jake screamed as he uncontrollably laughed.

Changbin was at the doorstep of the dorm listening to the laughter coming from the two. His heart warmed up just like the time he had witnessed Felix and Chan reunite. Hot chocolates in hand, he decided to let the friends have their moment. He knocked on the door and left the drinks on the 'Welcome' mat and he walked away.


~ A.N - In this story Chan is the oldest, Felix is the middle and Jake is the youngest (a year or less younger than Felix)

Chan couldn't believe his eyes. He wouldn't believe his eyes. Right in front of him was his old friend, Jake. He hadn't seen him in years and he had barely contacted the boy ever since he left Australia.

He somehow was a lot more handsome but Jake still had that youthful glow in his eyes. Chan could recognise the smile from anywhere.

"Well... if it isn't Sim Jaeyun..."
"Well... if it isn't Bang Chan..."

The two dropped the serious facade and pulled each other into a warm comforting hug.
"Took you like enough Daeng... I haven't seen you in so long." Jake smiled as he let go to face the older once more. "Mhm, it's been too long, hyung."

Felix smiled as Jake ushered him to join the two. The now three felt complete and the little hole in Felix's heart was finally full again. He had his best friends back, they had never left him alone.

The Australians enjoyed their hot chocolates that they had found at the doorstep, knowing exactly who had gotten them.

"But- are Changbin and Felix dating?"
Felix blushed from pure embarrassment just to see Chan laughing his ass off.
"Ah... my oblivious children are from what I know, are not in in a relationship. But they will. I know it." The oldest replied, ruffling Felix's hair.
"This is so embarrassing!" The younger cried.

"What about your love life then Chan? Have anyone on your mind?" Jake asked, the older widening his eyes from the question. "He has a boyfriend named Yang Jeongin, he's part of the group as well."
The eldest's eyes widened and he gave a small death glare at Felix.

"Ok- enough! Let's stop talking about guys unless you want to talk about your love life, Jake?"
The youngest immediately shut his mouth and felt his cheeks redden. "YUP- let's not talk about it!"

"TELL US!" Felix and Chan screamed.


"So~ how did it go?" Changbin asked as he sat on Felix's bed. "It actually went a lot better than I thought... thank you for the hot chocolate too." The younger replied as he slipped into his covers.

For the next hour, Felix talked and talked about the reunion and his interaction with Jake. There was a certain twinkle in his eyes as he spoke so highly and wonderfully about the boy. To be honest,  Changbin was honestly a little jealous but he was just happy that Felix was happy. He seemed a lot brighter and like something in him had switched on.

His true genuine happiness, like he had in Australia, with his family, with his sisters, his mother...
As Felix succumbed to the case of word vomit, Changbin couldn't help but feel somewhat uneasy. Any sort of talk about family was always a sensitive topic especially since his mother's death anniversary.

He couldn't drag the mood down, Felix already had so much pressure and problems that Changbin didn't need to give the younger any more sob stories, emotional trauma and baggage. This day was all about Felix and that was what Changbin wanted. A day where Felix could just let go and forget about the cruel world.

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