xxv 🌋

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"HEY Chan, Heads or Tails?" Asked Felix as he took his phone from his pocket.
"Uh well hopefully it's Heads but I guess I wouldn't mind if it's Tails." Chan smiled. "Alrightie..."
Felix passed his phone to Chan who asked Siri.
"Ah! It's Heads." Chan chuckled before giving the device back to Felix. "Wait- so I'll never know what that question was?!" Jeongin exclaimed. "That's why it's called 'Paranoia'." Felix laughed.

Jeongin frowned and Chan ruffled his hair to comfort him. "Innie, I'm sure a smartie like you will be able to figure it out." Chan said sweetly, easily flattering the younger and making him blush red like a tomato. The still oblivious Changbin was not having it. Jealousy and alcohol didn't mix well for him. It was the perfect recipe for disaster.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU CHAN?!" He immediately blurted out.

Everyone looked over at a raging Changbin with wide eyes. "I-I'm sorry?" Chan stammered, feeling extremely confused. "Did I- did I do something wrong Changbin? If I unintentionally hurt y-"
"Cut the bull shit you asshole..." Changbin spat.

"This is our cue to go!" Jisung immediately grabbed onto Jeongin and Seungmin whilst Minho dragged Hyunjin and Felix behind him up to his room. They all needed to hide from the fight as soon as possible.
"Wait- this isn't ri-" Felix exclaimed before being pulled up the stairs.

As Chan heard a door from the upper floors slam shut, he sighed and he turned his head to face Changbin who continued to glare into his eyes.

"Did I stutter? Answer me." Changbin said as he slowly approached the older. "I- I REALLY don't know what you're going on about. Tell me and I swear I'll apologise." Chan panicked.

"You're such an idiot, you're playing with both Felix and Jeongin and you feel no guilt... are they just little toys to you? Huh- what you got to say to that- or do you not 'know what I'm going on about'?"
"I'm not playing with Felix's or Jeongin's feelings. I'd never try to do that ever. Even if I was, who are you to judge, Changbin?" The older muttered.

The younger of the two was completely mortified and his jaw slightly went agape.
"W-what are you saying?"

"You used to do what you assume I'm doing now. You had 7 girlfriends, you are flirting with Hyunjin yet you have a huge ass crush on Felix. What's that about? You broke up with your 7 girls who were just toys for you for what? To flirt with Hyunjin? Someone you seem interested in yet you do all this for Felix because you want him for yourself.

But he's someone you constantly keep hurting. Or are you really using Hyunjin to intentionally make Felix jealous and angered. I'd never want to hurt him like that, he is an amazing friend and he's like a brother to me. Family doesn't betray family.

I've admittedly been helping Felix trying to make you jealous. He is in love with you and not me, I in fact am not in anyway in love with Felix romantically. I really, really, really like Jeongin.
So yeah... now you know... I'm sorry if you have been hurt as much as Felix has. Now go date Felix for fucks sake. This is so exhausting for everyone." Chan ran up the stairs to join the rest of the group. Changbin was absolutely flabbergasted.

Felix liked him back, he wanted to be with him.


The air had been cleared up yet there was clear tension between Changbin and Chan. After the whole blowout, they two hadn't spoken one word to each other. "So... uh movie?" Jisung asked. Immediately everyone sighed and nodded. They needed something to do other than worrying if Changbin would beat the crap out of Chan.

Once Jisung chose 'Mulan', the group was now relaxing and soaking in the nostalgia. Felix had gotten a bit cold since he regrettably chose to wear shorts so, he tightly held his knees to his chest. Changbin immediately noticed this and he smiled to the younger.

"Is Lixie cold?~" He asked in a sweet tone. Felix soon nodded and pouted. Changbin found a little folded blanket next to him and he quickly draped it over Felix's legs. "Better?" Felix smiled and he snuggled into Changbin as they continued to watch the movie.

Hyunjin who had watched the two snuggling smiled and he felt happy for Changbin. He looked so content with Felix which made Hyunjin in return even happier. Things could only get better when Seungmin had sneakily and shyly snuck his arm around Hyunjin's waist, pulling him close. The older in response, leaned his head onto the younger's shoulder. Minho and Jisung were clingy as usual, being close was really normal for them.

As for Jeongin and Chan. They were sitting on the other side of the couch from Felix and Changbin.
They watched the rest of the group being all cuddly and close and they both soon eyed each other.
"We don't have to cuddle, i-if you don't want to-"
Chan cut him off and pulled Jeongin onto his lap and wrapped his arms tightly around the younger's waist.

"I don't mind." The older grinned. Jeongin eventually slightly relaxed into the older's touch with a large grin on his face. "I don't mind at all..."


Once the movie finished, they all decided to stay over at Minho's since they were quite tired from the chaotic night. "I have these two couches that can be taken by four people, my bedroom with my bed that can hold two people and then the guest bedroom."
Minho and Jisung obviously took Minho's bedroom and Jeongin, Chan, Seungmin and Hyunjin took the couches leaving Felix and Changbin with the guest bedroom.

"There's only one bed in there so you two will have to share."

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