xxii 💭

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CHANGBIN was standing outside the classroom waiting for a familiar face. He frowned immediately when he saw San walk out of the classroom, but for some reason, something was different about the latter. He was not as confident, obnoxious and he had his head held down as if the floor was the most interesting thing in the world.

A sudden thud snapped him outside of his thoughts, he turned around and saw San frantically picking up all of his things that he had dropped on the floor.
"S-san? Are you alright?" Changbin looked up and he saw Jung Wooyoung, a fellow student in his year level. Wooyoung immediately dropped to the floor, helping San pick up his books. "Yup- thanks!" A rather flustered San immediately walked away leaving a blushing Wooyoung behind.

Changbin felt a light bulb in his head turn on.

"Hey Jung!" Changbin called out.
"Oh? Changbin, what's up?" The other replied as they approached each other.
"What's the deal with you and San?"
"N-nothing... I- I have no idea what you mean."
"He stutters- what you two like each other or something?" Changbin joked.
Wooyoung's eyes widened and he made no objection.

"Ohhhhh... do you wanna talk about this somewhere else that is not the most crowded area in the school?"
Wooyoung nodded and he followed Changbin to the school gardens.

"You heard know how San treated Lee Felix right?"
"The new kid? Yeah... I heard all about it."
"So you can imagine how confused I am right?"
"Yup... can I explain what happened?"

~ a week ago...

"Bro- I literally hate you!" San laughed as he chased Wooyoung around the dorm. "Give it back!"
"No!" Said Wooyoung before sticking his tongue out mockingly as he teased the older. Suddenly, San pounced onto the younger causing the two to fall onto the floor.

"You okay?" Said San as he brushed Wooyoung's hair off of his face. Wooyoung was blushing hard realising that San was currently straddling him. He had a crush on his roommate for so long and he couldn't help but feel his heart beat like crazy.

"S-san?" Wooyoung softly muttered.
"Mhm?" San replied immediately.
"You're uh- you're on top of me."
San for some reason felt frozen in place. His eyes locked with Wooyoung's and they both exchanged nervous expressions. Both wouldn't dare to move a muscle.

Wooyoung decided to take his chance. He cupped the older's face and looked deep into his eyes asking for permission with no words. As if San understood, he gave a little nod and he gulped as he felt their noses brush. Their lips finally touched and what the two wanted for so long was finally happening.

The kiss was passionate and loving. They felt each other smile into the share of affection. Once they finally pulled back, the two couldn't help but grin like crazy. That is until, San's expression suddenly dropped.

"W-what's wrong hyung?" Wooyoung nervously asked. "I've- I've liked you for so long... I don't want to be with anyone else but you..."
"And same to you... my heart belongs to you."
San felt his heart melt at the younger's words but he continued with a sad expression.

"The point is- my dad is going to kill me if he finds out about this. I don't want you to get hurt. We can't be together..." San firmly stated before scrambling to stand up. "Trust me, I've loved you for years Wooyoung, but this can never happen, no matter how much we want each other."

~ a week after that...

San was completely miserable. His father had given him his usual weekly call to see if he had a girlfriend and as usual, San said no. Why did life have to be so unfair? He looked across the room to see Wooyoung. His heart ached and he still felt butterflies in his stomach everytime he saw him. Did he still love him back? Had he moved on in these past few days?

He looked forward and he saw the new kid, Felix. He remembered seeing him being carried off in the cafeteria by another fellow student Bang Chan. San just knew for a fact the kid radiated gay energy.
He watched Changbin put the back of his hand to Felix's forehead. San wished he could be so close to Wooyoung. He wanted to embrace the younger publicly, show everyone how much he truly loved and cared for him.

Felix removed Changbin's hand from his forehead and he watched their hand slowly intertwine. His jaw dropped and he felt himself swallow dry. Man was he jealous. Why did his father no- his family have to be so adamant about San having to get the perfect girlfriend. The most poised, beautiful, graceful and mannered girl. San didn't want that, he wanted Wooyoung, and if anything, he was more beautiful than any girl San had seen.

He felt his blood boil and he could've burst into tears. He wanted them to feel how shittily he was feeling at the moment.


He immediately regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth.


Changbin couldn't help but feel guilty for snapping at San. Sure, what he said and did was completely wrong but he felt sorry for him. San just wanted to be with someone who he loved but he was being held back but his family. He was jealous of seeing Felix and Changbin so close when he craved Wooyoung's touch.

"We haven't talked about it since... we've just made small talk or been in complete silence."
"So you and San want to be together?"
"But his father desperately wants San to have a girlfriend, a wife..."

"I'm sure it'll work out."
"How could it? San is exchanging schools next week..." Wooyoung softly muttered.
"Wait- you can't just give up! You seem to really care for him." Changbin exclaimed.
"Some things aren't meant to be. No matter how much we want something, there's no guarantee we'll get it." Changbin felt his throat tighten and Wooyoung sighed. "I'm sure whichever girl San gets, they will be luckiest girl in the world..."

At that, Wooyoung walked away, holding his arms to his chest and holding back his tears. This made Changbin think. Would this be his and Felix's fate?

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