xcvii 💋

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"YOU... you like me..." Seungmin muttered.
"Minnie- I'm really sorry. I've been trying to get over you since we broke up, I swear... I just- I can't..."
"Why are you apologising, Jinnie?"
The older raised a brow and was clearly confused.
"I thought y-you wanted us to be friends and to move on..." Hyunjin stammered.

"That's what I did want, what I thought I wanted... but honestly, Jinnie... I haven't been able to get over you too." "Am I dreaming? Maybe I'm hallucinating?"
"You dumb ferret, of course this isn't a dream, otherwise Kkami would be here."
"True, I- I just don't understand."
"Don't make me repeat myself-"
"You might need to say it again so I can comprehend this information."

The younger playfully punched Hyunjin's shoulder with a chuckle and profusely blushed cheeks.
"How about we discuss hypotheticals?" The older asked as he rose from his seat.
"S-sure?" Seungmin replied, feeling unsure at the sudden topic change and lack of answers from Hyunjin.

"So... if I were to say I was happy you still like me, how would you respond?"

"I- what?"

"If I were to say it made me extremely happy considering I've been crushing on you since 9th grade, what would you say?"

"Jinnie- I-"

"If I were to try kiss you right now..." the older swiftly pulled the younger towards his body, placing Seungmin's hands around his neck, his own cupping the younger's cheeks, their eyes locking and not daring to lose focus on one another, "-what would you do... Minnie?"

Seungmin was utterly speechless but, he suddenly smirked and he could see a flicker of panic in the older's eyes, despite him trying to stay confident and dominant in the situation.

"Why don't you try and find out..."


"For homework, do the chapter 5 review, this will be due by the end of the week. For extension, start exercise 6.1." The bell rang and Felix could tell every single person in the classroom was relieved, including the teacher. "Class dismissed, Lee Yongbok, could you please stay back?"

In the middle of packing his stationary, he heard his teacher and he laughed to himself.
"Mr. Wang, I told you I hate it when people call me by my Korean name." The boy whined.
"I don't intend on stopping." The teacher replied with a chuckle. "I just wanted to say welcome back, I'm glad you're here. I've never seen Changbin happier."

Felix raised a brow. "Really? I'm not sure what you mean..." The student muttered in confusion.
"When you were in Australia, Changbin was having a really tough time and he didn't really have anyone to lean on, you were also his dorm mate so he was basically isolated from everyone for the last 4 months. I saw you two this morning, I can tell Changbin really appreciates your presence." The Australian smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good, I actually moved back to Korea for him, I want to be able to sort of protect him. After I found out about how tough his year has been, it confirmed my decision. Changbin doesn't deserve to be alone, no one does." Mr. Wang smiled.
"Well, he also never shut up about you so maybe that'll solve his case of word vomit. Don't let him know that I told you." The man said with a wink.
Felix laughed and thanked his teacher for the kind words.

"Also- Seungmin has been top student of your grade since you've been gone. He got a 98.37% on our last examination. Do you think you can snag that spot once more?" Mr. Wang asked, challenging the younger. "Honestly, sir... with no difficulty." The Australian replied with genuine confidence.

"Have a good day, Felix."
"You too, sir."


🥰❤️ 지후 ❤️🥰

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