xciv 🫴

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CHANGBIN woke up, the sunshine welcoming him to the morning, the start of a brand new day. The boy softly yawned before easily sitting up, feeling energised and ready for the day. He smiled as he heard a bird land on a branch, chirping a beautiful song, its voice carrying through the gentle breeze.

Well... that's how he wished his morning was like.

In fact, it had been raining all night and the whole sky was grey and gloomy. Changbin groaned as he forced himself to sit up in his bed, he yawned for a significant amount of time before looking outside his window. All the birds had probably been scared off by the obnoxiously loud thunder.

Changbin dragged himself to the kitchen, an almost finished cereal box was waiting for him. He looked at the time and although he had plenty of time, he couldn't be bothered to have a proper breakfast so, he poured a good amount directly into his mouth and chewed his impromptu meal. He yawned once more and suddenly jumped when he heard a knock on his dorm's door.

The boy was curious, he basically didn't have any friends other than Jisung and Chan who'd willingly come over. Changbin thought it was odd that either would come to his dorm at such an early time when he'd specifically told them not to bother since he hated 5th wheeling his friends and their boyfriends.

Changbin had no idea who'd be at the door.

He quickly glanced at his reflection with his phone and slightly cringed at his own appearance.
Eh... who ever looks good in the morning?
Changbin opened the door after hearing another series of knocks and he immediately regretted it.

"Morning Changbin!"
"Felix! I didn't expect to see you." The younger smiled and he leaned on the doorframe.
"Sorry- I should've texted you." He chuckled before scratching his neck. "W-why are you here?" Changbin asked as he held onto the door.
"I'm here to walk you to school!"
The shorter first raised a brow, but he then realised the taller was indeed wearing a school uniform.

"Y-you're going back to JYP high?"
"Mhm! Are you gonna get changed?" Felix asked as he examined Changbin's baggy pyjamas.
"Yeah- g-give me 5 minutes?"
"Sure!" The older closed the door and ran to his room.


Changbin found his uniform and quickly buttoned his shirt, slipped his jumper on and jumped into his school pants with slight struggle. The boy splashed water on his hands and used the liquid as easy hair gel in an attempt to tame his unruly bedhead. He grabbed his school tie and quickly put it on.

Changbin tripped and stepped into his shoes and unlocked the door, the Australian still waiting for him. "You ready to go?" Felix asked with his hand held out. "Y-yeah!" The older looked down to the younger's hand with a curious stare.
"Come on. I don't bite." Changbin's cheeks flushed pink and he reluctantly laced his fingers with Felix's.

The Australian grinned and he swiftly linked arms with the latter.
Why is he being so nice?
Why is he acting as if everything is okay?
Why is he back, was he able to convince his father?
What does he want from me?

"You good? You seem on edge?" The younger asked as if rested his arm around the older's shoulders. "Did you not have your coffee today?" Changbin shook his head in response and Felix immediately spotted the familiar café around the corner. "Wait here- I'll get you an Americano, less ice." The older nodded his head and he watched as the Australian ran to get his order.

Why is he back after all of this time...

"HEY SEO!" Changbin immediately cringed when he heard the familiar yell.

"SEO CHANGBIN!" The boy prayed to himself that he was dreaming.

"HEY! When someone talks to you, it's polite to face them and look them in the eyes."

The boy turned on his heels and he faced the source of the voice. "What do you want, Lin?"

"Well, I have a bone to pick with you, I think you know why..." The older said as he approached the younger. "Yeah, because I refused to sell my body to a stranger." Changbin spat as he faced the man and looked into his eyes. "I gave you a great offer and it's your loss for refusing it." The man harshly whispered into the younger's ear.

"Please... l-leave me alone..." Changbin stammered as Jeon started to get closer to his body than he was comfortable with. "You try to act so tough, but I know you're terrified, you're scared... you are pathetic." The older said with poison in his words.

"Who's this?" The boy sighed with relief once he saw Felix, Americano with less ice in hand.
"I'm Lin Jeon..." The man replied, holding his hand out. "I was just talking with Changbin."
"I'm Lee Yongbok and you seemed to be bothering him. He looked uncomfortable before I stepped in."
The Australian replied, ignoring the older's hand.
"It's not your business, why would you care?"
"It's my business because I'm his boyfriend."

Jeon seemed skeptical until he suddenly laughed to himself. "I'm sorry, Seo, I didn't realise you had a boyfriend. I won't be bothering you anymore."
"I don't trust you one bit, Lin..." The man rolled his eyes to the younger's responses but he continued to smirk. "Good day to you both. Have a good day... Seo Changbin and Lee Felix." Jeon walked away with an obvious chuckle and both had an uneasy feeling.

"How did he know my English name- how do you know that douchebag?" Felix exclaimed once Jeon was out of both of their eyesight. "He sexually harassed me in a bar a little while ago." Changbin replied breathily, still in shock.
"Fuck, Bin... that's horrible. You deserve better treatment than that, everyone does."
"It's fine, I don't plan on talking to him after today."

"By the way, I'm sorry I said I was your boyfriend, I didn't know how else to get rid of Jeon." The Australian said as he walked alongside the older. "It's okay, I appreciated you stepping in."

Felix passed the coffee to his friend and they set their path straight to the school. Luckily the interaction with Jeon didn't hinder their walk and they actually had a decent amount of time before their classes would start.

As they stepped into the campus, the school was filed with whispers as they saw the two ex-lovers walk into the school with their arms linked and enlarged smiles painted on both parties' faces.

"Felix... everyone is staring at us." The younger furrowed his eyebrows as he felt the older slip away from his grip. "I think they're getting the wrong idea." Changbin said as he shoved his hand in his pocket. "Then that's their problem, what's so wrong with skinship." The Australian replied, ignoring the gasps from familiar faces.

"Why are you even doing this? Walking me to school, lying to protect me, getting me my morning coffee, how do you not hate me?" The older asked as he fiddled with the straw of his drink. "Honestly... I missed you everyday I was away." Felix muttered as he grabbed the older's hand. "Now that I'm here, I want to be able to be there for you and help you out because I care a hell lot about you. I want to be your friend again, Bin."

"I want to be your friend..."

Friend... just a friend...

That's all I'll ever be to him... a friend...

"Anyways, I have to get my locket assignment and schedule. I'll see you at break?" Changbin showed no response verbally or physically, Felix assumed he may have been slightly overwhelmed from a mixture of their encounter with Lin Jeon or his own sudden arrival. The Australian waved before walking away.

F  R  I  E  N  D...

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