lxxvii 🚌

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3RACHA walked side by side together. They were on their way to the studio. That was where they trained for hours and hours, surrounded by what they loved, music. But along with this, they too would have to be exposed to the other 4 boys. There was now so much tension between the 7 that it was hard to work altogether. But would else could they do?

They spotted the bus stop and all three silently groaned as they knew that they would have to wait a ridiculous 27 minutes before getting to the studio. The earlier bus always came when they were still in their last class of their day.

There is always an element of surprise everyday, things don't always pan out the same, what shocked the boys today was that Seungmin, Jeongin, Minho and Hyunjin were standing at the bus stop.
They never took the bus, why now?

"Even looking by at them I feel guilty. I want to beg on my knees for forgiveness for Seungmin and when I see Hyunjin all I want to do is hysterically cry." Changbin groaned silently.
"It's been a long time, Bin, I don't think there's anything you can do at this point." Jisung said with a sigh. His eyes immediately locked onto his boyfriend. "Minho and I fought again this week...

We argued about the drama between you, Hyunjin and Seungmin." The youngest of the three started to tear up as he watched the mentioned boy laugh along with Hyunjin. "I feel like such a bad friend and an awful boyfriend." Jisung pouted before immediately pausing his steps.

"No- no Jisung..." Chan went to the younger's side and immediately hugged him tightly. "You're not a bad friend or boyfriend. See? You're here with us and I've seen you with Minho. You're one of the sweetest and most caring people I know, don't feel bad." Jisung choked out his tears as he clung onto Changbin and Chan's touch.

Chan encouraged the younger enough that Jisung mustered the courage to continue walking closer and closer to the bus stop, closer and closer to Minho. Even though it hurt Jisung every time he remembered the unfortunate circumstance of the friend group and his own less than perfect relationship with his boyfriend, he needed to keep strong.

"Hey guys..." Chan said as he looked to the other 4 boys. He slightly frowned as Jeongin and Minho were the only two who gave him a positive reaction. "Come on guys- don't be like that. We're all training together so can we at least pretend we're all getting along?" He slightly pleaded.

"Just because you're our group's leader, doesn't mean I'm going to obey your every word..." Seungmin replied dryly with emotionless eyes. "Same here..." Hyunjin muttered before scoffing. Awkward silence filled their ears and they all split into their respective pairings with no hesitation.

Jeongin and Chan quickly hugged before talking about their days. It was a simple conversation with simple topics, but they were just happy to be in each other's presence.

Minho soon spotted the tear stained cheeks of his boyfriend and immediately kissed the younger before muttering 'sorry' over and over again. Jisung in return spilled a few tears before wrapping his arms around the older. He cried softly as he snuggled into Minho's neck.

Hyunjin looked longingly to his ex and he frowned as Seungmin refused to even look in his direction. Hyunjin missed the smile, the laugh, the indescribable feeling in his stomach whenever the younger would kiss him. He missed Seungmin more than anything.

Changbin watched the other 6 from a distance. Despite being so close to them, he had never felt so alone.

The next few minutes felt like hours as the 7 boys waited for the bus to arrive. Once again, Hyunjin found himself staring at the younger he loved more than anything.

"Seungmin... I know you hate me and don't want to talk to me but, please hear me out." His voice was soft and gentle but was only audible enough for the younger to hear.
"You're the last person I want to talk to." Seungmin replied coldly, adjusting is backpack on his shoulder.
"You don't have to say anything, but please listen..." Hyunjin begged as he grasped his hands together.
"The bus is coming in 3 minutes... go ahead... talk."

"I know things between us got super messed up and I know you think it's my fault, but it's all a huge misunderstanding."


"CHANGBIN! BIN? DWAEKKI?!" The boy ran all over the school and the latter was nowhere in sight. "Where the fuck is he?!" Hyunjin only ran out to the back of the school as a last resort and he finally found Changbin. He was sitting on the bench that was always slightly broken and creaky, but he suddenly stood as he locked eyes with the younger.

"I- I CAN'T... I JUST-" Hyunjin watched the older hyperventilate, unable to form coherent sentences, let alone words. "Hyung- what happened?!"
"J-jake he k-kissed him! He doesn't care about me! He never did..." Changbin tearfully exclaimed.
"What- no... there must be an explanation! And Jake is our friend- he'd never do that to you and of course he cares about you..." the younger stated whilst rubbing the older's back as he cried.

"No- I'm talking about Felix! He never liked me back- he probably pitied me decided to toy with me, took advantage of my affection... I mean nothing to him and I never will..." Changbin's voice cracked as he sobbed harder.

"I'm never good enough... I try so hard and it's never enough... I'm not enough." The younger was speechless and he dropped his arms from defeat. Before Hyunjin could argue against Changbin's claims, his lips met the older's. His eyes widened from shock and he immediately pushed Changbin away.

The older's expression was blank and he did not say a single word. The younger was mortified. Changbin knew he had a boyfriend, he knew Hyunjin would feel guilty. More importantly, the younger wanted to know why Changbin kissed him.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU-" He cut himself off as he finally faced the same direction as the older. Both Felix and Seungmin were staring at the two completely dumbfounded.

"Seo Changbin...

-how could you..."


"Jinnie- I already know what happened, I was there." Seungmin said with an evident eye roll. Hyunjin suddenly blushed and a smile creeped onto his face. "You called me Jinnie-" The younger playfully hit the older in the shoulder, chuckling to himself. "You were always such a stupid llama."
"I was always your stupid llama~"

Seungmin felt his heart, his stomach, his breath- it all felt so familiar. Hyunjin's smile, his eyes, his lips... the younger sighed and stared at a small rock he found himself starting to kick unconsciously.

"Hyunjin I-"
"THE BUS IS HERE! 4419 right?" Jeongin said excitedly whilst clapping his hands, Chan silently 'aaawwwing' from how adorable his boyfriend was.
Hyunjin looked to Seungmin once more, waiting for the younger to finish his sentence.
"N-never mind..." Seungmin shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket and walked to Jeongin, to find seats with his friend.

He called me Jinnie again...

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