xxxiv 📕

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A.N - Thank you all for 1k reads :) ❤️

"THAT'S it?" Seungmin replied in a relieved tone.
"Mhm... I'll be a nice squirrel." Jisung said innocently. "So all we have to do if help Felix and Changbin get together and you guys won't tell anyone about us?" Said Hyunjin, waving a finger between him and his boyfriend.

"Yup, but you're gonna eventually have to tell the group though. I don't know how long Jisung can keep a secret." Minho laughed.
"Hey!" Jisung adorably pouted before gently nudging Minho's arm. "Sorry kitten~"
"Ew..." Said Seungmin and Hyunjin before they jokingly gagged.
"My mouth is sealed." Jisung promised.


It had been a chaotic weekend, but Felix was ready to focus on his studies. The last thing he needed on his mind was Changbin and fortunately the boy was never around much for him to get distracted. The Australian boy had received the highest marks he had ever earned and his hard work was really paying off.

As Felix was peacefully studying in the library alone, as everyone else was at the cafeteria enjoying their lunches. Felix knew he had to eat but he didn't want to fall behind on his studies. He wanted to return home and make his father proud. He wanted to reunite with his sisters and tell them everything. But most of all, he missed his mother. She was such a great help when Felix had been kicked out, and he couldn't have been more grateful. He hadn't seen her in many months...

Felix sighed to himself at the thought but he continued to study. He was already at the top of the class and he wasn't going to drop his rank anytime soon. He felt his stomach grumble and slightly hurt from his obvious hunger, Felix was extremely stubborn when he had his mind set on something. He could've easily finished the work before lunch ended.

Changbin had just joined the others who were laughing their heads of whilst enjoyed their delicious lunches. The first thing he noticed was how clingy Hyunjin was being to Seungmin and how that made him groan internally from jealousy. The second thing he noticed was the empty seat next to Chan. Felix hadn't joined the others.

"Hey guys... where's Felix?"
"I just had English with him, but then he just disappeared? I assumed he was with you." Jisung replied. "Me?" Changbin stammered.
"Yeah? Who else?" Minho replied.
"Well- the point is Felix isn't here for his break.
Does anyone have any ideas where he would be?" Changbin said as he looked back at the cafeterias entrance.

"He could be at the library, he's been studying a lot more." Chan stated. "So much that he's at the top of the class." Seungmin groaned for that spot once belonged to him. "Mr. Second-Best must be real upset." Minho snickered. "I hate you..." Seungmin pouted. Hyunjin smiled to himself at his boyfriend's cuteness and he placed a comforting hand on the latter's thigh to calm him down. Seungmin immediately melted into the older's touch and attempted to hide the growing blush on his cheeks.

Minho and Jisung could see everything

"Either our friends are idiots or Hyunjin and Seungmin are being very sneaky." Jisung muttered, leaning into Minho's ear. "I definitely think it's the first one." Minho scoffed and Jisung giggled in response to the older's statement.
"That's the problem with everyone, they're too stuck in their own world that they can't see Seungmin and Hyunjin being literally stuck to each other." Minho placed a soft kiss on the younger's forehead. "We can only hope that they develop some braincells..."

"Minho, Jisung you there?" Changbin said in a sing-song tone. "I swear you two are stuck in your own world." Jeongin laughed. The couple rolled their eyes and scoffed. "So are we gonna try find Felix or not?!" Changbin exclaimed. "What if he got hurt and he's in the nurses office or he somehow got lost or he even got kidnapped or he got locked in his own locker or-" Seungmin immediately clapped his hand over Changbin's mouth. "That's way better, music to my ears: Changbin not speaking."


The 7 boys quickly finished their lunch and made their way to the library as Chan suggested. As they thought, Felix was carefully taking notes and studying well. "There you are Lix!" Jisung whisper-yelled. "Oh hey Sungie." Felix immediately replied. "What are you all doing in the library, Changbin you hate reading." The older scratched his neck from the comment but he coughed and spoke. "You weren't at the cafeteria so I though something happened to you. "Nah... I have been here since lunch started."
Felix responded.

"Wait- so you haven't had lunch?" Chan asked. "I'm good, not hungry." Like clockwork, Felix's stomach immediately growled and practically screamed for food. "You sure about that Lix?"
"I- I swear I'm fine- besides, I'll eat at the dorm."
Changbin noticed Felix was quite pale and he looked slightly exhausted. "If you say so." Changbin said skeptically. "Yeah- I'll see you at Chemistry."

The 7 boys left Felix alone to study and they exited the library. "I think that was the longest time I've ever stayed in a library." Said Hyunjin before slightly shivering. "I can tell." Seungmin scoffed. The older ruffled the younger's perfectly styled hair which caused Seungmin to gasp and immediately start to run after Hyunjin. "You are so dead you dumb ferret!" Hyunjin hysterically screamed as his boyfriend chased him all around the school.

"Before we know it, they'll be married." Said Jisung with doe eyes. "Ah... young love..." Minho sighed.
"But no couple is better than us right?" Jisung asked as he pouted adorably. Minho hummed and wrapped an arm around his boyfriend's waist.

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