A piece of my heart ✨

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Out of context but I wanted to put this out.

Time is precious and time that one is in at the present time must be cherished without thinking of how the past was and without pondering over what the future holds. What I have realized, all this time through all the downs and a handful of ups which I still am very grateful for, is that when you have people you do not really value them, you do not really know how important that time is cause you never know when you are laughing with them for the last time. Ever wondered? What would happen if we know when we are seeing someone for the last time? We would try to hold on to them, hold on to that time, that is when we would realize how precious that is. Why not see every meet as the last? Why not see every laugh as the last? That's when we would truly be able to live it. And if by god's grace, another meet happens and you know the last was not the last, it would be more special. Seeing life with new perspectives is important. Time is the biggest healer but time also is the biggest teacher, it has taught me a lot. Only if this revelation would have come up to me a little earlier, I could have cherished times better. Losing people could have been easier when you know you had spent every possible feeling , every possible adventure,every possible joke with them. Love,laugh with your loved ones, that is important cause you never know if it's their last or yours.

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