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Cabir hugged Manik who patted his back hard.
"Stop it, it hurts" said Cabir pushing his hand away

"Come on, it is in your habits now"said Manik hugging him again.

Nyonika passed him a small smile and that is it as he bent down to touch her feet and Raj's. It was emotional but everyone knew this was for good.

"Stay in touch Cabir" said Raj as he nodded.

Radhika, leaving Navya's grip went and hugged Nandini and Manik at once. It was not easy for the little one to be away from them, with no fault of hers while Navya still stood , no words and no expressions. With all the bit of shame left, she bent to have Raj and Nyonika's blessings to which they just gave her a slight nod.

As soon as they sat in the cab and were out of sight, tears fell down Nyonika's eye. She was hugged from the side by Nandini whose head were on her shoulders as she kept rubbing her arms.

"It's okay Mamma" said Nandini

"Nandini, I don't know what got into us that we agreed for Navya, sab kuch bigad diya, we were so happy" said Nyonika as Nandini wiped her tears.

"Mom, please kuch nahi bigda jo bigda bhi hai we never know when that settles right, it's time for new beginnings now. Lets focus on that" said Manik

"Yes Nyonika, your kids are onto new chapters , Manik needs you , all of us need each other. Just think about how happy times are ahead. And there is not even a reason to be sad, Manik ke to saath hi ja rahe hai ham" said Raj

"Yes dad, Nandini told me and I am so happy but again promise me, you are not interfering in my work" said Manik in an authoritative tone

"Yeah okay" said Raj shrugging it off. He would not. He had decided to not interfere in his work until Manik wants him to and he knew he would never want that.

"Okay right, we need to shop so much, we need to pack stuff, 5 din baad flight hai and you guys have kept me busy in talks" said Nyonika wiping off her tears quickly "chalo all of you leave for work and come early , we four are going out" ordered Nyonika leaving no option to deny.

"Manik, drop me . I don't want to drive today" said Nandini hurrying up to grab her bag.

"Yeah okay" said Manik.

"Manik, see you at the office" said Raj going to his car.

Nandini came to down to see Raj gone already and then it hit her, Nyonika would be all alone for that day.

"Mamma, you come with me to the restaurant today"said Nandini .

"What? Arey no Nandini. Do not worry I will be okay" protested Nyonika.

Nandini nudged Manik to convince her and he found it a great idea. That would be good for Nyonika and he would also not be worried for neither Nyonika alone at home and neither Nandini overworking. One arrow, double shoots.

"Mom, no arguments, you are coming" said Manik grabbing her hand and Nyonika could not deny anymore.

Manik dropped the two at the restaurant and himself went to the the office.

"Mamma, you sit I will just come" said Nandini . Nyonika occupied one of the seats in a corner that faced the seaside while the restaurant was occupied . It felt calm and serene, the place had an aura which had engulfed Nyonika as soon as she stepped in.

Nandini returned with two plates of paneer tikka.
"Presenting the exotic paneer tikka , that we are famous for" said Nandini cheerfully making Nyonika chuckle as Nandini kept hers infront of her and sat on the other end of the table.

"Such a lovely place Nandini, We should come here often." said Nyonika

"Mamma, if you ask me, come here everyday" said Nandini putting a bite in her mouth.

"Haan? What do you mean?" asked Nyonika confused.

"Haan Mamma, you would be home alone only na and then I am able to come here only at weekends or when I get time, I am at the hospital mostly. You handle this, you will also be occupied" said Nandini and Nyonika did not find the idea bad. Infact it appealed her.

"Not bad. Done" said Nyonika "and this paneer tikka is the best, famous for a reason" said Nyonika having another bite .

"All thanks to Maria. Wait" Nandini looked around for a lady and gestured her to come towards her .

"Yes Nandini, you need something?" asked Maria

"No, Maria, this is Mamma, and Mamma, she is the chief chef here. Maria, she would be handling the work here so know her" said Nandini. Nyonika and Maria shared a healthy smile as she excused herself.

"I cannot get enough of this view really. You guys have a branch in Worli as well right?" asked Nyonika

"Yes Mamma, that was where we started from" said Nandini

"I know right, I wonder how beautiful would that be" said Nyonika "you know what, we are anyways going shopping in the evening, we will stop by and have dinner there only. Raj has been there for meetings but not me" said Nyonika and Nandini immediately agreed. She was happy to see Nyonika happy, all of this was keeping her away of the 'Navya saga' and she would eventually not worry about it with time .

"Beach chalogi?" asked Nyonika looking at the sea from the glass panes.
"Lets go" said Nandini getting up immediately as the two headed out from the garden porch area, the outer restaurant.
All this time, while they were walking Nandini had not missed the gleam in Nyonika's eyes.
"Manik has got his fascination for seas from you, hasn't he?" asked Nandini making Nyonika smile

"Yes. Raj used to be busy in earlier days when he started working initially. I had Manik and he had me. Cabir nahi tha tab hamari lives me. It was just us. We used to go to the beach, click pictures. As he grew up, he found solace there"said Nyonika

"And you? You don't find solace here? You don't come here often Mamma" said Nandini. For all these months, she had hardly seen Nyonika going to chill or talk about the beach

"I do Nandini, I did but then Manik bhi busy ho gaya, beaches were all forgotten. I got busy with the house, family, I never knew when beaches went out of my way but today, as I came here, I realized they were never gone, they were just settled deep. Aaj bhi, they make me feel the same" said Nyonika inhaling the air with closed eyes while Nandini admired her.

"You said you used to click pictures with Manik. Aaj to vo hai nahi,ham kheeche?" asked Nandini and Nyonika nodded frantically. The two took a lot of selfies and some even made it to the gram.


Liked by mukti

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Liked by mukti.vardhan and 2,345 other
Could not have hoped to get what you give us even from a daughter, my dearest one. I love you so much ❤️
@ nandini.malhotra

You two are goals✨

My girls❤️, but beach without me is not done you two🙄

Cannot wait to see you two super soon.

Mujhe bhi aisi saas chahiye, so cute😍

Fab5 picture bhi de do hame pleasee

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