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"Suman, fights and arguments are inevitable parts of each and every relationship trust me. When two people live together,they tend to argue because things can never agree with both of them at the same point. Manik and I fight too , argue a lot actually cause we are very different with our choices but what works out for us is that we do have our own choices but we respect each other's too. Like if I want to do something and Manik tells me that it is not safe or maybe something I should not go ahead with then I would not get into it just to prove him wrong. If he feels something, I respect it . But this also does not mean that I would let go off something because Manik told me to, I would do it but carefully. So you know there's an understanding that I am very proud of" said Nandini smiling at her while the others sat admiring their relationship.

"That's cool but still, you guys never have major fights?" asked Ravi

"We do but again, it's never a sorry or apology that ends a fight for us because we know when we are fighting, there's no one person at fault. We both are in it, and so both of us are equally responsible. We just move on." said Nandini

"What does that mean?" asked Suman confused

"Move on as in suppose we fought a day before I was coming to India , both of us were at fault and we knew that . So instead of saying Sorry or complicating things, we just start behaving normal like nothing happened because we know fights would come and go but they should never surpass the love" said Nandini , that small smile constant on her face.

"You guys are so organised. You are lucky Nandini" said Ravi

"Yeah I mean I heard that marriages always have problems but you guys seem to be perfect because you two are 50-50 in your relationship right?" said Suman

"That's a misconception Suman. We are not always 50-50. There are days where I am low and he takes up the 80 and I have 20. Its about understanding each other's low points and lifting them up through it. We are not perfect at all. We fight, we argue . There are days when we are literally behind each other's necks but we know that we can not really live without the other person and that we have to work on our relationship and we still are. I still learn new things about him everyday" said Nandini sipping on her Appy.

"Okay guys, enough discussing Manik and Nandini cause we all can never be as them so let's be a little easy and do some fun" suggested Abhimanyu

"What about truth and dare?"

"Not at all" said Nandini at once. She knew what extent can the dares and the questions go to.

"Oh come on Nandini , be a sport"

"NO" said Nandini denying straight and forward.

"Fine in that case let's play situations?" suggested Ravi

"What is that?" asked Abhimanyu. He was not sure if he had heard of that game before.

"So we give situations and the other person needs to you know like tell what he or she would react like." said Ravi

"That's boring though but okay we going to play for some time and then chill, sing and dance" said Suman.

Everyone agreed to the plan and so began the game of situations.

"Okay so Abhi, Shanaya backed out from the wedding" said Ravi

Abhimanyu spit out his drink " what did you say?"

"That's just a situation. Cool down dude" said Nandini chuckling

"Yeah, situation. Why would she do that? She was the one who proposed." said Abhimanyu

"If that happens bro" said Ravi

"Nazar kyu laga rahe ho yaar. I don't know. I would convince her maybe or try to understand to reason behind that and obviously support her" said Abhimanyu

"Nice, okay Suman, if Raj proposes you?" asked Nandini mischievously.

"What the hell. How do you know about him Nandini?" asked Suman shockingly.

"I have my sources girl. Come on answer now " asked Nandini

"Seriously? I would die. I mean why and how would he propose me. He has no idea of me liking him" said Suman sadly.

"Aww. Tu bata de na usko" said Nandini.

"Yeah I am nervous I guess" said Suman sheepishly.

"Nevermind , okay Nandini you caught on Manik cheating " said Suman

"Why are you guys behind our relationships for god's sake" said Abhimanyu.

"Exactly, and I don't know. I can't imagine him doing so because its just not possible " said Nandini as a matter of fact.

"Okay Murthy siblings we understand you two have got loving partners but suppose this happens, what are you gonna do?" said Ravi.

"I am sure I would stay calm and be direct. Its rage that complicates things most of the time." said Nandini confused. She did not know how would she react to that because she was sure it wouldn't happen.

"Okay anyways, Nandini do you remember how at some point in your childhood, you were not at all open to all of this love and stuff?" said Ravi chuckling making Nandini smile

"I swear I sometimes think if I am the same Nandini or did someone just got into me after collage" said Nandini.

"Yeah like after collage, Nandini was suddenly into all these fireflies and rom com movies" said Abhimanyu

"That's because of DDLJ I guess, Nandini's favourite. She turned into a hopeless romantic" said Suman making the guys around laugh.

"Oh my god yes. Nandini actually did her hair like Simran na?" asked Ravi making Abhimanyu nod as Nandini felt awkward but happy. It's always happy to remember old days.

"Yaar, kitna jaldi jaldi bade ho gaye ham sab. You all remember Munir kaka ki beti ki shaadi? We had so much fun" said Suman

"Oh yess, the shaadi where we literally broke all of those plates" said Nandini as everyone laughed around.

"And we were locked up in a room thereafter" added Abhimanyu.

"Yeah, so much fun. Also, we went to a road trip to Jaipur akele" said Nandini

" After collage no? We had just graduated and that was the year when you guys shifted to Mumbai" said Suman.

"Yes we did and we missed you guys so much here" said Nandini

"Mangalore was so much fun yaarr, can we all not go back there and live like old times?" said Ravi

"I wish. We are all so busy in our lives. We have children for god's sake like how unreal is that. Ravi ki bhi shaadi hone wali hai mai hi kuwaari marungi" said Suman as Nandini took her in a side hug.

"You will get your ride or die soon and trust me teri shaadi me dhoom machne wali hai" said Abhimanyu as he joined the girls followed by Ravi.

The night followed with the cousins talking and having fun. They did not know they were creating memories to cherish forever. Once we are big enough, once we have a family of our own, a career, hectic lives, how often do we actually take out time to talk to those cousins who made those relative weddings fun to be at? The cousins who give us exemplary childhood memories. Go give them a call and tell them how lucky you feel around them.Lots of love❤️

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