Season 1 - I

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It's been years.

16 years.

It's been 16 years since I've been living at the Gilbert's residence and took their last name.

I was abandoned by my biological mother when I was 2 years old, left in front of Caroline's house with nothing but a letter, but they couldn't take care of me and as soon as Grayson and Miranda, and the whole town really, heard about my tragedy they decided to take me into their home.

Although, something else shocked everybody... not that I was abandoned, but how similar Elena Gilbert and I look. Some would even say that we look like twins separate at birth but there are clear differences between the both of us, not just in personality but physically.

12nd September 1993

She was born on the 22nd of June 1991.
Her favourite colour is blue.
Please, give this to her when she's older.

Dear Selene,

I am sorry that I couldn't keep you with me for much longer. I love you  forever even when I shouldn't. I hope and you do understand one day that I did this to protect you.

Always and Forever,

Your mother xx

I turned 18 nearly 3 months ago and the letter was the only gift I received from Jenna, which I can't complain we didn't celebrate our birthday because I turned 18 a few months after the incident that unfortunately didn't take me away from this misery of life that has given me nothing but pain and questions with no answers.

Elena and I were the only ones that survived the accident and I remember that day like it was yesterday, ironically I don't remember when we hit the water or how we managed to escape.

It was a miracle how we survived, and I don't believe in miracles.

Anyways, why am I talking to myself and making myself sad on purpose?

Why am I like this?

I roll my eyes at myself, brushing the pictures on the wardrobe before looking into the mirror and brush a hand through my curly, dark hair. I turn around and head downstairs toward the kitchen, mumbling profanities under my breath at how loud Elena and Jeremy are being this morning.

"God! How do you even have the energy to talk this early?!" I complain, stealing Jenna's coffee and she gives me a pointed look which I reply with an innocent smile.

"Alright, guys, you need anything? Lunch money? A number two pencil? Anything?" She lists off and I shake my head at her as I sip on the coffee. "Good. I'm running late for a very important meeting with my advisor for my thesis. Behave in school, Em." She narrows her eyes at me, checking her watch before rushing out of the house.

"Could she not see the halo above my head illuminating my path?" I dramatically gasp out which makes Jeremy laugh and Elena rolls her eyes with a hand on her hip before her expression turns into a very familiar one. "Don't, Elena."

"I'm worried about you. I know you've been drinking a lot lately and doing drugs with Jeremy." Elena says as Jeremy walks out of the kitchen since we both know I'm the one getting lectured today, making me slightly roll my eyes at her.

"Elena, dear sister, you're acting like I have an addiction problem. I don't. Neither does Jeremy. In fact, the only problem I have is that I'm here and they're not." I shrug, turning around to walk away before she can say anything.

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