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"I can't believe this happened." Elena sighs, running a hand through hair as she paces side to side, pointing at our brother's temporarily dead body. "What am I going to say to him?"

"Thanks for not ditching the family ring after it drove Ric crazy?" Damon suggests, making me and Elena glare at him. "You should have called Stefan."

"I don't want to talk to him. He's been lying to me and hiding things from me and so have you Emma. He compelled Jeremy to forget god knows what." She turns to me with a determined look on her face. "You know we're gonna find out sooner or later."

"Later it is." I wink at her.

"In all fairness, I mean, I think you killing him kinda trumps that." Damon says, giving her a tight smile and she glares at him again. "And you should have called Stefan."

"I don't trust him right now, Damon." Elena argues, pointing at me. "I trust him less than Emma."

"I don't know if I take that as a compliment." I mutter under my breath

Suddenly, Stefan walks into the living room which makes all of our heads snap towards him. "Hey." Stefan greets, stepping closer to my sister.

"I called Stefan." I inform the both of them.

"I just - I need to go upstairs and shower. Clean all the blood off my hands." Elena states, not making any eye contact with Stefan as she walks out of the living room and at that exact moment Jeremy comes back to life with a very dramatic gasp.

"Welcome back. How are you feeling?" Stefan questions, looking at Jeremy.

Jeremy looks at each one of us. "What happened?"

"Long story, buy the e-book." Damon suggests as Jeremy looks at him with a confused expression.


"Elena knows we're hiding something." I point out to Stefan and he sighs, looking stressed about her finding out about what we're up to.

"Where did Jeremy go?" Damon asks as we enter the kitchen he's actually cleaning the blood from my sister's hallucinating episode.

"School. Bonnie has him volunteering for some occult exhibit." I inform him, taking a seat on the chair as I carefully watch him. "Or maybe he didn't want to linger in a house where our sister just jammed a knife in his neck."

Stefan's phone starts ringing and he looks over at me which tells me that Klaus is calling him. He hasn't called me, talked to me or even called Stefan to ask about me lately.

It breaks my cold heart.

"Oooh, time to face the music. Pay the piper, dance with the devil." Damon walks over to us with a small smirk.

"You know, I'm glad you find this amusing. If he finds out I told you about the cure, he'll kill both of us." Stefan says, causing me to look at him with a 'are you serious' look.

"You told him?" I question, narrowing my eyes at Stefan who doesn't answer me, he just looks down in shame. "Well, jeez, now I know who to never tell my secrets to."

"Quit avoiding him, that means shady. Shady people get outed." Damon points out, ignoring my outburst.

I take Stefans' phone from his hands, answering the phone. "Emma speaking. How do I have the pleasure to help you?"

"Angel?" He breathes out before clearing his throat. "Well, can you ask Stefan about him ruining all my plans for a hybrid filled future?" Klaus says, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Well, it wouldn't have happened, if you hadn't sworn me and Emma to secrecy." Stefan speaks up from beside me as I put the phone on speaker.

"Well, life's full of ifs, Stefan. But let's accentuate the positives, shall we?" Klaus asks rhetorically, sounding completely fed up. "The hunter was one of five; we'll find another. It may take centuries, but we've got nothing but time, right?"

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now