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"You did what?" I exclaim at Stefan as Damon rubs my arm, the both of us glaring at Stefan who's standing in front of us. "Your big plan was to bring John back into our lives after he tried to kill the both of you?"

I'm thankful I didn't go home last night to face John. Although, my sister had to deal with him alone and I can't help but wonder how Jenna is going to react when she notices that he's back in town.

"To be honest with you, Emma, I went to look for Isobel. I got John instead. He said he would help us and we're desperate." Stefan argues back and I shake my head at him with a disapproving sound.

"We are not that desperate!" I say as I look at the Tv to see that they're holding a memorial for the people that have gone missing or died this past here. "Even with the hero complex, Stefan, you sure as hell can be dumb sometimes."

"Look, Bonnie's witch friend ins working with Elijah." Stefan informs us and my eyes widen since Bonnie told me about Luka and how she likes to be around him because for once she felt understood. "We have to assume the moonstone was never destroyed."

"Wait, when did Bonnie carry out that plan?" I ask in confusion, not liking how the two of them seem to be keeping things from me.

"Emma, you are putting your faith into some deal you have with Elijah. And Elena believes is our best option... to trust Elijah and keep everyone safe." Stefan says, making Damon sigh and I look up at him. "Do you actually trust Elijah, Emma? I don't trust him. He's an original. He can't be trusted."

I lean back in Damon's arm, sighing when Stefan looks at me as if waiting for me to argue back with him. "I don't trust anyone, Stefan. But it's not like we can kill him. He's different. He don't die. So, yes, I'm putting my faith into the guy that can't die."

"I'm still waiting for the part where John's the answer." Damon pipes in, standing up from the couch to walk over to the bar and he pours himself two drinks before handing me one.

"He knew about the sacrifice. Isobel told him." Stefan states and I furrow my eyebrows, wondering what else dear momma seems to know. "He said he knew of a way to keep Elena safe."

"Did you forget about the other twin?" Damon snaps back at him with a glare as soon as Stefan doesn't mention my name.

"He says no one knows she exists, so, she's safe already." Stefan points at me and I tilt my head to the side. "But he said if anyone was to find out, they have a plan."

"What plan?" Damon groans in frustration.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me. He's not talking. At least not to me, anyway." Stefan replies, crossing his arms as I stand up from the couch and take a sip of my drink.

"Great work, Stefan, top notch. As id I didn't have enough problems. Let's go get some answers, baby." Damon says, walking out of the living room and I give Stefan a knowing look before walking after Damon.

"Hey, I'm sorry about Rose." Stefan calls out and I look back at him with a shake of my head as if saying not to mention her because her death broke him, he spend the whole night in my arms in pain. "You cared about her. I wonder what that means."

"It means I care, Stefan. It means I'm changing and evolving into a man capable of greatness. Better watch your back... I may have to go get a hero hairdo of my own and steal your thunder." Damon teases, walking out of the front door and I make a move to walk away but Stefan stops me.

"How's he?"

"He's hurting, Stefan." I conclude, giving him a sad smile before walking out of the door.

My phone starts vibrating and I grab it from my back pocket as I walk to Damon's car. My eyes widen at my sisters text and Damon seems to notice it because he speeds in front of me within a heartbeat.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now