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"What do you mean Stefan's not coming?" Caroline yells through the phone. "Put it on speaker." I let out a small sigh as I put the phone on speaker but I'm pretty sure Stefan was eavesdropping. "Stefan, I don't need to remind you that your Miss Mystic Falls attendance record totally sucks." Stefan continues to do push-ups as Caroline speaks.

He's pretty upset about the whole Damon and Elena situation. Elena finally broke up with him and she admitted to his face that she has feelings for Damon.

"Besides, you're a founding family member, by definition you have to be there." I back up Caroline's point since we don't want to let the ripper come out, we want to distract him and going to the Miss Mystic Falls might distract him.

"Elena and I broke up. By definition, I don't need to be anywhere." Stefan replies, almost out of breath. I would be dying by now if I was human and doing the amount of pushups he's doing.

"Did that sound as depressing to you as it did to me Emma?" Caroline teases.

"Yep." I say, popping the 'p'

"Oh, I'm not depressed." He chuckles sarcastically. "I just want to rip into someone's artery and feed until I can't breathe anymore." Stefan growls out, causing me to frown but he stops doing push-ups and collapses on the ground, laying down as he stares at the sky.

"Well, you can't." I point out, looking down at him.

"As your sober sponsor, I am not going to let that happen. Neither is Emma." Caroline speaks though the phone and he really shouldn't let Elena get him this upset. "Try and sublimate."

Stefan stares up at the sky in silence for a moment. "She said she has feelings for Damon."

"What?!" Caroline raises her voice through the phone. "She can't have feelings for Damon! He's... Damon. And you're... you."

"What do you mean with that?" I question, looking down at the phone.

"And I'm – revolted. You know, I'm gonna talk to her. I'm going to shake some sense into her clearly diseased brain." Caroline states and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, well I don't know what good that'll do." I point out.

"All the more reason you need to cure her."

"You told Care about the cure too?! Don't you want to make a public announcement?" I snap back in disbelief and I'm not trying to be selfish but the more vampires know, the more are going after the cure and who knows what will happen then.

"Look, I got to go. Be careful. And remember, there is sublimating and then there is insanity." Caroline points out before hanging up the call.

Stefan stands up, a small smile on his face as he looks at the phone. I narrow my eyes at him, sensing that him and Caroline are slowly getting closer to each other.

I let out a gasp of suprise when someone attacks Stefan and puts him on a chokehold. "In what world do the words 'tell no one' means tell your brother and every teenage sycophant in town?" Klaus growls, holding him against the tree.

"The secret's safe. No one who knows about the cure will endanger us. Trust me." I state, glancing over at Stefan.

"You know I want to find it more than anyone else." Stefan struggles to speak as Klaus keep his grip around Stefan's neck.

"Well then, I suggest you find some more vampires for Jeremy to kill before I'm tempted to offer you up as a victim." Klaus snaps, reminding me that my brother is now a vampire hunter and that's how they saved Elena but now he's the one with the map.

Klaus growls at him before tossing Stefan to the side and he locks eyes with me. "And try and keep this one to yourself, would you?" Klaus demands before he winks over at me. "See you later, love. Hopefully, you'll come home tonight."

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now