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"Good morning." I hear a voice speak softly and I open my eyes to see Klaus sitting beside me on the bed with a bright smile on his face.

"Morning." I reply, sitting up in bed covering myself up since I'm still pretty much naked.

"I bought you something, love." He says, causing me to look at him in curiosity as he reaches over to the bedside table nearby and grabs a tray with our breakfast, placing on the bed with a jewellery box and a red tulip.

"Thank you." I smile, grabbing the tulip as I look at it in awe. "Who knew the big, bad hybrid was such a romantic gentleman like this?" I joke and he cracks a smile.

"Only the best for a Queen." He states, opening the jewellery box for me to reveal a beautiful diamond ring and I smile at it. "All of the jewellery, clothes, trips you want. I will spoil you like you deserve to be spoiled. You're worth all of it and more."

"I don't need any of those things when all I want is you." I confess and he leans towards me, placing a kiss on my lips and I don't hesitate to kiss him back.

"Very interesting." Klaus wiggles his eyebrow at me with a teasing smile.

I roll my eyes. "You're so funny."

"In more ways than one." He replies, pinning me down to the bed and I groan as he places all his weight on top of me.

"Nik, get off me!" I demand, full of laughter.

"Your mouth tells one thing but your body tell me a different thing." He smirks, rubbing a hand up and down my side and I take the opportunity to switch our position, but it doesn't last long.

"Can't get enough of me?"

"I'll never get enough of you." He smirks, kissing me softly as he pulls me closer to his bare chest.

Couldn't have started my morning in a better way.


Rebekah and I sit down in front of Carol, which at first seems to startle her but she composes herself, possibly not wanting to show that she's scared of us.

"Thank you for meeting with us, Mayor." Rebekah greets with a fake smile. "I figured as head of the Preservation Society, you'd be a good person to ask about the oldest trees in this community."

Carol gives us one of her infamous smiles. "A long line of Lockwood women use to keep those records, back before any of them had actual jobs."

"We've been to the Founders' archive, but I can't seem to find any record of the tree I'm looking for." Rebekah snaps back, narrowing her eyes at Carol in suspicion.

"It probably got cut down. Big old trees built half of this town in the 1900s." Ms. Lockwood shrugs, cautiously looking in between the both of us.

I see Stefan and Damon enter the Grill, giving me and Rebekah a suspicious look and I roll my eyes. "Do you happen to know who kept the milling ledgers during that period?" I question, noticing Damon staring at me with an unknown look.

He's eavesdropping.

"Back then all the logging mills were owned by the Salvatores." Carol trails off, eyeing me more cautiously than Rebekah and I think she knows I killed her son.

I zone out of Carol and Rebekah's conversation to be able to listen in to what the Salvatore brothers are saying. "So what does a medical examiner, Bill Forbes, and Alaric Saltzman have in common?" Damon questions but Stefan ignores him, taking a sip of his drink. "You know, quitting blood cold turkey after a ripper binge might not be the best approach. Every time you play that all-or-nothing game, you eventually leave a trail of bodies. So, I'm thinking, now is a good time to pay our old friend moderation a visit." Damon suggests and I narrow my eyes at them before I look down at the table.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now