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It's been twenty days since I found out about the kiss.

I've been drinking since Klaus bought me to his house and I stayed there ever since. Today, he accompanied me to the Salvatores' house for some reason, I haven't paid much attention to what he has been saying.

I just wish I could erase my memory.

The front door opens and Stefan walks inside the living room with a frown on his face when he sees Klaus and I. If the world wasn't spinning from the whole bottle of bourbon I drank before we came here, I would've snapped Stefan's neck in a blink of an eye.

"What are you doing here, Klaus? Where have you been, Em?" Stefan shoots the questions at us, walking closer to the both of us with a glare fixated on Klaus.

"You didn't seem to care when you tried to kill me!!" I exclaim at Stefan, trying to stand up to snap his neck but I trip over my own feet and Klaus quickly speeds over to me, catching me in his arms. "Always saving me, Nik. The big bad hybrid has a soft spot for me... uh, I like it."

He leads me to the couch opposite of Stefan and he sits down beside me with an arm around me. "Sober up, love. I'd like to hear you say that when you're in the right head space." He winks at me and I slightly chuckle with him.

Stefan's eyes the both of us in slight worry since I haven't been answering anyone's phone call and I'm not even sure how they got my new phone number. "Where were you, Em? I was worried. What happened? You look wrecked."

"You and your brother coming to Mystic Falls happened. My life is W mess and Nik has been keeping me company, he's fun to be around unlike you." I drunkly state, knowing even if he tried to kill me he doesn't deserve to know what really happened from me.

Stefan narrows his eyes at me before glaring at Klaus. "What do you want?"

"The question is what do you want? My hybrids left town as you wanted, she has her freedom back, so, please tell me what I need to do to get my family back." Klaus fires back, rubbing my arm in comfort and I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Yes! We can undagger Elijah and Bekah!" I cheerfully exclaim.

"Well, Klaus, I'm not negotiating." Stefan glares but Klaus doesn't back away as he throws daggers with his eyes at him.

"And you understand that holding them indefinitely is the same thing as dropping them in the ocean?" Klaus smiles tightly at him, brushing my hair away from my face as he caresses my cheek.

"No, No. You leave Mystic Falls alone and then give me a call in a few years and we'll talk." Stefan suggests, looking in between Klaus and I with a confused look.

"I can give you another chance. Just one more. Let's make a reasonable deal." Klaus proposes with a smirk.

"Or what? You make one move and I will drop-."

Klaus maniacally bursts out laughing, cutting Stefan mid-sentence. "Yes, right. Crazy Stefan. How is that working out for you? Any friends left? Em has left you on your own... that one must hurt since she was your only friend." Stefan shoots him a death glare. "I'll be seeing you soon." Klaus turns to me, carefully laying me off him and kissing my temple as he whispers into my ear. "Sober up, angel. We have a lot to do today." He smiles, speeding out of the house.

"What's going on, Em? You look like someone ripped your heart out." Stefan questions, standing up from his couch and I look at him sideways since I'm laying on the couch.

"I would've preferred it even if it can't kill me...." I mutter, wanting to feel nothing for the rest of my life.

"I'm sorry about what I did!" Stefan exclaims, kneeling down in front of me, cupping my cheek as he gives me a sympathetic smile. "I'm really sorry. I don't mean to hurt you, you are my friend and the only person who stuck around me for the past few months, who understand me. What happened?"

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now