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I look up at the house in front of me and frown, not having known my dear mother to have such a bad taste in architecture. I'd think she would compel herself a better real estate, but maybe she's trying to lay low.

Ric found some intel on Isobel and John.

Quite interesting how they know each other.

"This is the one, records show it it was paid three months in advance." Ric states as we walk up to the front door and I look around, kind of scared someone is going to pop up and kill us.

"This is where it gets tricky, I may or may not be able to get in." Damon points out, knocking on the door but no one answers it as expected.

"How does that work?" Ric asks in curiosity, looking up at him. "You always have to be invited in?"

"By the owner or the person of entitlement. Short term rentals and hotels are a bit of a grey area, you have to play it by ear." Damon explains, knocking on the door with more force.

Once again, no one answers the door and Damon places his hand on the doorknob to break it. "Can we not kill anyone tonight?" Ric pleads, causing me to scoff since I'm sure someone will die, get kidnapped or hurt today.

It's a routine thing nowadays.

"What? You just invited me for my company?" Damon jokes with a smirk, easily breaking the doorknob and throwing the door open for us.

"It doesn't seem like anyone is home." I point out as I look around the vacant house.

I turn around and look at Damon to see him stepping inside the house cautiously and when the barrier doesn't stop him, he smirks and walks over to me.

"I'm good. No permanent resident, apparently." He states as we walk further into the house and notice there's furniture lying around but no one in sight. "Um... guys we have company." Damon speaks up and I look at him with a frown.

I open my mouth to question him but I'm interrupted as I'm pinned against the wall with a vampire snarling in my face with his fangs out and he looks ready to kill me.

I try to kick the guy away from me but it's useless. Thankfully, Damon comes up behind him and grabs him before rapidly throwing him across the room, looking over his shoulder as if he's checking I'm not hurt.

"Never touch her again or I'll kill you." Damon threatens him within a heartbreak, walking over to the vampire with a deadly glare. "I know you."

The guy stands up and smiles at Damon. "Damon?"

"Your name's Henry, you were in the tomb?" Damon confirms with a suspicious look and the vampire nods his head with a smile.

"Yes, sir. What are you doing here?" Henry asks, looking in between all of us before his eyes land on me. "Sorry about that. I wasn't expecting guests. Especially human ones." I give him a tight smile, looking over at Ric and Damon.

"No problem. But if you try to kill me again, I might accidentally slip and stake you in the heart, so...." I trail off, Damon and Ric sharing a look with each other and Damon shoots me a proud smile.


"So how do you know John Gilbert?" Henry questions us, pouring blood from a blood bag into a cup.

Turns out John has friends after all... a vampire friend.

"He's my uncle and Damon's best friend, they've known each other for years now. But how do you know him?" I smile and I feel kind of bad for lying since he's been nice to us after the attack.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now