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Elijah and I look around at our surroundings as we stand in front of a bar. New Orleans is beautiful for the little that I saw and Elijah told me a little bit about his history in New Orleans and that they made New Orleans their city but they fled because of Mikael.

"So... here we are... in a bar?" I trail off, looking at the bar in front of us with a confused expression taking over my face. It's called 'Rousseau's' and I hope they serve good drinks because I could use one right now.

"Jane-Anne works here. If we want to find any information about her, this might be a good start." Elijah states, eyeing the bar with caution.

"Let's go then." I sigh, walking inside the bar. The bar isn't big but it isn't small but there's not many people here compared to the mystic grill.

I walk up to the bar to see a blonde women serving drinks. Elijah and I take a sit in front of her at the bar and when she see us, she shoots her a friendly smile.

"How can I help?" She asks and I notice her name tag and I love how she doesn't drink vervain.

"I'll have a bourbon." I tell her, while reading her mind and she's been through a lot.

"So what brings you here?" She questions me and Elijah while pouring out our drinks.

"I used to live here. Emma is... visiting." Elijah explains, looking at all of the drink options. "I'll have the same as her."

"When did you leave here?" Camille asks, handing me my drink and pouring one to Elijah with a intrigued look.

"She's a curious little one, isn't she?" I mutter under my breath and I Elijah smirks at me.

"Oh, it feels like a hundred years ago." Elijah smirks, making me chuckle at his words. "What about you? You've lived here your whole life?"

"I actually just moved here myself." She tells us with another smile. "What brought you back?" She asks a lot of questions and I hope she can give us some answers.

"My brother is somewhere around here. We think he's getting himself in a bit of trouble."  Elijah states, eyeing his drink in a weird way like he's deep in thought.

"You're saying that like it's a common thing." She points out, sounding a bit amused.

"He's complicated. Defiant, ill-mannered, and a little temperamental." Elijah lists off, making me nod in agreement. "See, we don't share the same father. Of course that never bothered me, but my brother resents it deeply. Never felt like he belongs. All told, he has a long history of getting himself into trouble." He explains with a small chuckle.

"And I'm guessing you have a long history of getting him out of it. Not only you but... his ex girlfriend." She looks over at me and I give her an impressed look. "What kind of trouble is he in?"

"He believes there's people conspiring against him. At least that's what someone told him." I tell Camille, taking a sip of my drink.

"Wow. Narcissistic and paranoid." Camille chuckles but immediately stops when she realises what she said, shaking her head as we observe her. "Sorry. Bartender with a grad degree in psychology. Total cliché."

"Explains a lot." I mumble.

"Listen, Camille, I'm looking for someone who might shed some light on his current predicament. She works here, Jane-Anne Deveraux. Any idea where I might find her?" Elijah questions, taking a sip of his drink before sharing a look with me.

"No. But I know someone who might."


"Do you really think this Sabine will help us?" I ask, walking down the street with Elijah by my side.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now