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"That's enough." I call out as Elena is feeding on some girl that got out of the car because she saw Elena laying on the floor. "We agreed on the no killing rule."

Elena looks up at me, blood running down her mouth. "This is the first person I've seen in days whose body isn't laced with vervain and I'm hungry. I thought you were more fun." She rolls her eyes at me.

I take a step forward, grabbing the girl away from Elena. "I am fun, but you agreed with Damon and Stefan on the 'no killing' rule too." I speak, sinking my fangs into the other side of the girls' neck before dropping her dead body to the side. "I, on the other hand, didn't."

"I like it." Elena smirks, looking down at the girl.

"I promised to babysit you until you cross the line, and then I'll switch your humanity back on." I give her a tight smile.

"And how are you going to do that?" She puts her hands on her hips.

I lean into her ear with a smirk. "Did you forget I'm an original vampire? I can compel you to turn your humanity back on or make you suffer until you do so which is more fun. For me."

Elena rolls her eyes again. "Whatever. I told them I would go to school tomorrow. I wouldn't mind you babysitting me tomorrow." She pauses for a moment, smirking at me. "So how are you and Klaus? Last I heard you two weren't exactly on good terms. Did he finally realise he made a mistake or you just saw he's the one who killed our entire family?" She smirks, walking around me like I'm a prey.

I roll my eyes, letting out a desperate sigh. "If you're trying to bait me, it isn't working. You think because you have no humanity you can beat me at my own game? You can't! Having no humanity doesn't make you better or stronger or smarter. It makes you emotionless."

Elena eyes me cautiously before her eyes light up like she got an idea. I hear a whoosh sound behind me and I turn around, grabbing her throat before she can attack me. She looks at me surprised, not thinking I would manage to stop her in time.

"You're good..." Elena trails off.

"Get in the car or I'll snap your damn neck!" I growl, not in the mood to fight her. "Get in the car. Now! I'll kick your ass so hard, you'll end get home quicker." She glares at me, trying to stand her ground and I arch my eyebrows at her in amusement. "Get in the car." I compel and she involuntarily walks inside the car with me following behind. "See how easy that was."

"Compel me again and I will kill someone." Elena threatens.

"Do that and I'll compel you to turn it back on." I shoot her a tight smile.


Klaus opens the front door open, Damon and I immediately walking through since he literally dragged me to come with him to see Klaus. He didn't tell me why, he just needed me to help him persuade Klaus for information before I go off to babysit Elena at school.

"What a surprise." Klaus comments and I swallow dry, having been avoiding his phone calls.

I don't even know if he knows that my brother is dead.

"So I just come up with a list called things you suck at." Damon starts and I take a sit on the couch as I let Damon do the talking. "Number one: Finding Katherine, ever. Number two: Not messing up things with Emma. Number three: Covering up your secret phone conversations to that little backstabber Hayley." Damon lists off and I sit up straight as I look at Klaus.

Why the hell would he talk to Hayley?

I knew he'd be hiding something about her.

Phone calls?

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now