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The door swings open and I immediately lock eyes with Damon, shooting him a smile. "Hello there." Damon says as I walk closer to him and he swings his arms around me, kissing the top of my head.

"Stefan here? He called. Said it was important. For both of us to come over." Elena sighs, looking in between us before rolling her eyes and walking inside the house to find Stefan.

"Is it something bad?" I ask him and he looks down at me with a comforting smile.

"Nothing much. Just a little... visitor." He answers and I narrow my eyes at his words.

My jaw drops when I see Rose standing behind Stefan with an unsteady smile as her eyes land on me. I look over at Damon with a raised eyebrow as to question him about what she's doing here.

"Why is she here?" I ask in confusion as Rose looks in between Elena and I, shaking her head as she probably still can't believe that there are actually two human doppelgängers alive at the same time.

"Who is she?" Elena questions with crossed arms.

"The cutie who kidnapped me." I state, not taking my eyes away from my kidnapper.

"After what you told us... we can use all the help we can get." Stefan says, mentioning to the living room and we follow after him but Elena stops him.

"Wait. What you told them? What happened?" Elena asks, burning a stare on me and I take a deep breath.

"Long story short there's some bad people after you and I. Those bad people want to sacrifice us for the sun and the moon ritual since we the doppelgängers. Plot twist. Apparently, I'm some doppelgänger legend because of my mark... whatever that means." I trail off, walking past them and taking a seat on the coach as I want to listen to what else Rose is going to tell us.

You know the truth sometimes scares people but it never scared me until I found out about the sacrifice and the doppelgänger legend.

"When were you going to tell me about that?" Elena snaps, walking inside the living room as Damon takes a seat next to me.

I roll my eyes. "I don't know, Elena. Maybe when we figured out a way out of this mess."

"Okay, I only know what I've picked up over the years. I don't know what's true and what's not true. It's the problem with all this vampire crap but Klaus, I know he's real." Rose explains, looking cautiously at all of us.

"Who is he?"

"He's one of the originals, he's a legend." Damon says, swinging his arm over my shoulder before planting a kiss on my temple.

"First generation of vampires." Stefan pipes in, looking in between Elena and I.

"Like Elijah" I sigh in frustration.

One original was enough but I wonder who Santa Klaus is.

"No, Elijah was the Easter bunny compared to Klaus-." I cut Rose off.

"Correction Stefan is the Easter bunny." I joke, trying to cut the tension by cracking a joke but they all give me judgmental looks, making me roll my eyes.

"He's a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal." Rose continues, making Damon to roll his eyes as he pulls me closer to his side.

"Klaus is known to be the oldest." Stefan informs and my eyes widen at his words.

"Older than Elijah? So there's a chance that this Klaus is stronger, faster, more powerful, perhaps, hotter than Elijah. Sucks to be us, Elena." I crack, making Damon narrow his eyes at my words before Elena rolls hers. "Just saying..."

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now