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This morning we went to the sheriff to testify about Vicki leaving town with no explanation. Also, I think Elena and Stefan broke up because she's scared of who else could get hurt.

Currently, I'm singing lowly along with the radio in the kitchen while making a sandwich. Suddenly, 'Halo' by Beyoncé comes on and I lose myself to the lyrics.

"Remember those walls I built
Well, baby, they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make a sound.
I found a way to let you win
But I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now..."

Jeremy enters the kitchen and I stop singing, a bit embarrassed since I haven't sang in front of anyone in a long. I turn towards the living room to notice Jenna and Elena looking at me with an impressed look.

"You shouldn't have stopped singing." Jeremy states, making me chuckle in embarrassment. "And I would love to hear you sing all day but I have homework to do. So..."

"Since when you do homework?" I joke, playfully nudging his side as I take a bite of my sandwich.

"Look I gotta finish this. I'm way behind and I have a quiz tomorrow." Jeremy trails off, walking back to the table on the living room to finish his homework.

I set my toast down and walk over to Elena and Jenna. "What do you think? Alien or Zombie?"

"Some sort of replicant." Jenna suggests and I nod in agreement, closely watching him.

"He can hear you." He looks up at us with a chuckle but he's quick to get back to work.

Did Damon do more than compel him to forget about Vicki?

"I'm gonna go upstairs and get back into bed. And by the way, your singing was really good." Elena states, running up the stairs and into her room with no hesitation.

"What's up with her?" Jenna asks as I take a seat beside her with a small sigh.

"Stefan and her are having problems." I answer, glancing over at her and she frowns as I take my phone out and send a SoS text to the group chat.

After a few minutes, Jenna stands up to head to her room but before she starts going up the stairs, she turns towards me.

"You seem happier. I missed seeing you this way." She gives me a quick smile before heading up the rest of the stairs.

Jeremy takes all of his homework not long after and goes up to his room since it seems I'm bothering him with my Teen Wolf marathon.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings and I rush towards it, throwing the door open and I sigh as a weight lifts off my shoulder.

"I heard about Stefan and Elena. How's she doing?" Bonnie frowns, walking inside and I close the door behind her.

"She is back in bed." I inform, pointing upstairs.

A bright smile takes over her face. "Well, we have to make her feel better." She doesn't give me time to question her as she drags me up the stairs and into Elena's room.

"Here's Johnny!" I call out as I open the door and the both of us walk inside it.

Elena turns to look at us for a second before burying her head underneath the covers. "No." Bonnie sighs and tries to pull the covers off her but my sister fights back. "No. No and no!" Elena keeps pulling the cover towards her but eventually gives up, sitting up in bed to face us and I take a seat next to her.

"Why haven't you called me back?" Bonnie glares at her with a slightly annoyed expression.

"I'm sorry."

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now