Season 4 - LXVII

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I walk through the Gilbert residence and Jeremy is quick to engulf me into a hug. I hug my brother back and after a few seconds, we pull away from each other and he shoots me a smile.

"Are you okay?" I question and he shakes his head with a small sigh, the both of us walk up the stairs to check on Elena and by what Stefan told me she's been in and out all day.

"I remember when Vicki was turning."

"It's going to be hard at first but then... she'll be fine." I reassure, making him crack a small smile. "I know Bonnie is trying to find another option but, Jer, there's no third door... she has to feed or she'll die."

Jeremy looks down before looking back at me. "Was it easy for you? You died. You had to run away and leave all of us behind. You had work with Klaus. I can't imagine Elena going through it worse than you did."

I look at him with a surprised look as I never thought he would seem to comprehend how it must've been when I turned. "Elijah helped me out a lot and then Klaus trained me, I guess. I didn't turn into a monster because of them, everyone seems to thin that, I'm just... me. Elena will be fine as a vampire too." I explain, the both of us stopping in front of her bedroom.

Jeremy slowly nods his head. "I can't believe you and Klaus are together. I'm sorry you had to lose him too."

"He's not gone. He's watching over me, I'm sure. He wouldn't let go of me that easily." I crack a small smile at the handful of memories we made together. "I love him, Jer. I know I shouldn't, but I do."

"You can't control your heart, I learned it the hard way." He smiles at me, turning around to knock on Elena's door and he opens it before Elena speaks.

"Jer!" Elena calls out as we step inside of her bedroom and they embrace for a few minutes before she walks up to me to give me a tight hug. "You're here."

"I'll be here for you as much as you need, Elena."

"Are you okay?" Jeremy questions but he doesn't let her answer. "I watched Vicki go through this, she was a mess. Her emotions were all over the place. All these old memories came flooding back." Elena glances over behind her, but quickly turns back to face Jeremy and I.

"I'm fine. I'm not Vicki." Elena snaps back.

"No, you're not. You're Elena. You act like everything's okay so no one worries about you, but you need help. We're here to help. Everyone needs help when they turn." I say, glaring at her but Elena keeps glancing over her shoulder.

What's up with her?

"I said I'm fine, okay?" She hisses back at me before taking a deep breath. "I – I'm sorry, I... Have you talked to Bonnie?" She asks Jeremy, running a hand through her hair.

"Yeah, she said when I was shot; she made some plea to the witch spirits to bring me back and they listened." Jeremy explains with a small shrug.

"Yeah, but the consequences were horrible." Elena point out with a worried expression.

"And what could be more horrible than you turning into a vampire? Emma turned and now you. I need my sisters, not another one of them." Jeremy states, looking down when we lock eyes. "I just wished everything was normal again."

"We're gonna find a way out of this. Everything's gonna be okay." Elena reassures him but she's doesn't sound too sure with herself, and Jeremy nods his head before walking away. "Do you know what happened?"

"You died with vampire blood in your system." I states with an obvious tone, noticing he glance at the lamp and I speed over to it before throwing it out of the window. "Everything around you will seem brighter, louder... you'll be fine."

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