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I walk through the Salvatore house since Stefan called, pulling my hair behind my ears when I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. I look like the definition of a mess. My eyes are puffy and red from crying, my hair is all over the place and I have bags under my eyes.

This week is just the best.

Kol died.

Jeremy died.


"You look...." a voice trails off behind me which makes me jump in surprise.

"God." I whine, turning around to face Caroline and then I notice the mess that she and the house are. "Hey, are you okay?" I question and she chugs her beer, throwing it on the bin.

"Are you?" She questions with a knowing look, handing me a beer and a trash can. "Can you help me clean up the house? I don't know where Stefan is. Damon and Elena went wherever..."

"Sure. I have nothing better to do." I shrug, walking around the house to help her out.

"What happened to you? You're awfully quiet. You're either mad at someone or plotting to kill someone." Caroline comments and I stop what I'm doing, turning to look at her. "Okay. I start. I'm devastated because Tyler left and he's never coming back. And he's not answering my phone calls. He... broke up with me. He gave the deed of the house to Matt." She sighs and I give her a sad smile because she doesn't deserve this. "What's wrong with you?"

I let out a sigh, looking away from her and throwing more stuff on the bin. "Everything. Everything is wrong. I'm sick of it."

"Sick of what?"

"All of this." I exclaim, mentioning to our surroundings. "I read Stefan's messages... about Silas. My sister is emotionless. My brother died and Kol died and Ric died and then...." I shake my head, fighting away the unwanted tears. "I don't know if you've noticed but I don't want to deal with it. I just want to pack my things and run away to somewhere where no one knows my name. But I can't... I'm stuck here."

"This will get better, Em. It always does." She walks over to me with a sympathetic look and I sigh deeply.

"When will this be over? I just want to leave Mystic Falls."

"No. Let's no do this. We are not self-pitying today. I've been through worse than a break up and you are one of the most strong people I've ever met. You were tortured by vampires. You were tortured by werewolves. Alaric tortured you for a whole day. You were kidnapped more times than I can count and you're still standing. Klaus killed you and you've never been more alive." I look down for a second at his name before meeting her eyes. "And I'm not saying all of this because you're my best friend, Emma."

"Thank you." I smile and she pulls me in a bear hug. "I think... Klaus and I broke up."

"What?! How is that even possible?! You two are so in love. What did he do this time?! I will kick his ass..." she trails off and I burst out laughing even though it's not funny. "I am serious, Emma Gilbert! I- I will grab his skinny little neck and break it, right after I kick his ass far away from you." I laugh even louder at her words. "I am serious. I have never been more serious, Emma."

"Well, then, I am here Caroline. You can 'kick my ass'." The voice boomed through the whole house and my mood droops as my clench my jaw in anger.

"Get out! We don't want you here." Caroline demands as I keep my back to him. "Shouldn't you be chasing Tyler to the ends of the earth or-." I cut her off.

"Shouldn't you be partying with all of your werewolf friends?! Or is there anyone else you want to hurt around here?" I glare at him, making him look down for a second before ignoring my stare and keep his look on Caroline.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now