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I look at the figure intently strolling towards my vulnerable self but all of the sudden he speeds down the road without killing me. I lean forward in confusion to see if the mysterious vampire is truly gone but I scream out in fear when someone suddenly appears in front of me.

"How you doing in there?"

In a matter of seconds, relief washed over me at the person who came for my recuse. "Damon. Help me, please." I plead, tugging on my seatbelt that I can't manage to get out of.

"You're stuck." He looks up at my seatbelt, standing up to his feet to reach over to rip the door off for him to be able to help me more easily.

"Damon I-."

"Shh. Shh. I'm your hero, remember?" Damon speaks softly, placing a hand on cheek as he looks deep into my eyes and it somehow calms me down. "I'm gonna get you out of here. I want you to put your hands on the roof." I place my hands on the roof like he says, preparing myself for the impact. "Ready 1. 2. 3."

Damon rips the seatbelt off me and easily catches me before I fall on my head. He helps me out of the car and I stand on my own two feet, the world spinning but the images from the picture invade my already confused mind,

"Are you okay? CIs anything broken?" He looks up and down at me with clear worry on his eyes but he doesn't give me an opportunity to answer. I shake my head, my eyes feeling this urge to close themselves as he picks me up bridal style. "Em, stay with me. Princess, please. Don't close your eyes."

He presses a kiss to my forehead and I lock eyes with him as a tear falls down my cheek. "I look like her." I mutter, darkness quickly taking over
and I engulf it.


I am met with a beautiful landscape passing by me as soon as I open my eyes. I sit up straight and look around to see that Damon is driving but I am not entirely sure where we are.

Damon smiles at me, focusing back on the road as I rub my pounding head. "Morning, princess."

"Where are we?"

"Georgia." Damon casually states, my eyes widen and I scoff at his words, anger floating through my veins and I'm not sure if it's because he's technically kidnapping or if it's because of the picture I found.

"I am going to kill you! Tell me you are lying right now." I groan, running a hand through my hair.

"Seriously, we're in Georgia." Damon shrugs, every now and then glancing over at me. "How you feeling? There's no broken bones, I checked. You had a few scratches but my blood healed you."

I look out the window and the memories from the car accident come back to me. "I hit him! He he got up and... he was a vampire. Who was he?" I question Damon, turning my head to look back at him.

"That's what I would like to know." Damon growls and I can hear the anger in his voice.

"Where's my phone?" I think out loud, searching through my pockets but I can't seem to find it. "Okay, just stop the car. Pull the car over." I demand with a stern tone but Damon chooses to ignore it and keeps driving. "Stop the car or I'll jump out!"

"Fine." Damon mutters as he parks the car on the side of the road.

I open the door and walk out of the car, looking at my surroundings. A wave of dizziness suddenly attacks me and I have to hold onto the car as I try to fade the double vision away. A hand on my shoulder makes me look up at a worried Damon and that's the second time I see that look in his eyes.

I look away from him, removing his hand off me as I walk a few steps away from him. "You have to take me back."

"Oh, come on, we've already came this far." Damon points out, taking a few steps towards me which cuts any distance I had just put between the two of us.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now