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"He wants to know who Mikael is and why you're running from him. He thinks he could use Mikael to get rid of you." I partly lie, the two of us walking through the school where students are planting their pranks and making memories. "Klaus."

It's been a long day.

Klaus snapped Stefan's neck many times but he wouldn't tell him a thing. Surprisingly, Klaus didn't try to hurt me to get any information out of me since he thinks Stefan has a secret he kept for himself.

Klaus stops dead on his tracks to face me as students walk through the hallway. "That's your second lie. I've spend the whole summer with you and I can tell when you're lying to me, Em. I don't know what you are hiding, but I'm going to find out." Klaus says with a disappointed look.

"Why bring me along? Why not hurt me until I fess up?" I fire back at him and he opens his mouth to reply but a sudden gasp makes us snap our heads to the side, my eyes widening in horror at the figure standing in front of us.

This can't be happening!

"There's your secret." Klaus smirks, forcefully grabbing Elena's arm when she tries to run away. "You were supposed to be dead. What are we gonna do about that? Any suggestions, Emma?"

"Em..." Elena trails off with a smile as she watches my every move.

"Hello, sister." I emotionlessly reply.

"Quiet the family reunion." Klaus growls, dragging Elena through the school and I follow behind them since I don't know what else I can do. "You've put a large kink in my plans. The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids. I haven't been able to do that." He explains as we stroll through the school, heading towards the gym. "I bet it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing."

"If you're gonna kill me, do it." Elena groans in pain as he tightens his grip on her arm.

"Not until I know I'm right. But I do have ways of making you suffer." Klaus smirks, throwing the gym's door open and we walk inside it. "Attention, seniors. You have officially been busted. Prank night is over." He call out, making the students setting up the prank groan in frustration before walking away.

"Klaus." I call out and he spins around with a deadly glare.

"Don't!" Klaus seethes, speeding in front of me in fury and I stare back at him, trying not to look scared by his intense look. "You knew your sister was alive. I should kill you and end your misery."

"Go ahead. We both know what you're capable of." A smirk takes over my face as quick as his face becomes emotionless. "You care about me, Klaus. No matter how many times you deny it to yourself. Like I said before... kiss or kill me we both know you can only do one." Klaus opens his mouth to speak but chooses to stay quiet, staring intently at me.

A sound in the background makes us snap our head towards Dana and Chad, a smirk taking over Klaus' face. "You two. I remember you. Lift your foot up, Dana." Klaus compels and the girl does as he says. "If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to beat her to death. Understood?"

"Emma! Don't let him do this." Elena pleads and I sigh, throwing my hands in the air as I give her a knowing look. "Don't let him hurt anyone."

"I can't control him, Elena. Not his wife." I point out, walking over to seat down at the bleachers since there's nothing we can do but seat and wait around for a miracle.

"Where's Stefan?" Elena asks in a worried tone.  

"Stefan is on a timeout."

If a timeout to him means that you have your neck snapped for the whole afternoon... I feel bad for his kids.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now