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This morning the Mikaelsons went to get Finn and I asked if they needed my help but Klaus said it would be better to stay home in case Esther pulled a trick and tried to kill me, so I just came back after finding  some fresh breakfast.

Suddenly, a figure speeds in front of me which causes me to jump back startled since I wasn't expecting it. "Well, you're just in time. The witch has arrived and she's upstairs." Klaus tells me and I read his thoughts as I've been wondering who is the witch that's going to help us.

"Wait Bonnie is willing to help?" I frown, knowing there's no way she would voluntarily help Klaus.

She hates the guy!

Klaus smirks slightly. "Well, I did threaten her. When I kidnapped her she was already trying to unlink you from the rest of us. Caught her right on time." He pauses, eyeing me cautiously. "I must tell you that Kol is keeping an eye on Jeremy." Klaus adds and I tilt my head to the side at his words.

"You're not going to hurt him."

"Of course not, love. He's your brother. Now, Bonnie does not know that." He smirks before his face turned a little bit serious. "Although, Bonnie thinks you have completely gone to the 'bad side' because of our relationship."

"Oh..." I trail off, not knowing what else to say.

"Shall we see our witch?" He holds his hand out and I take it.

"Lead the way."

Klaus and I walk into the library room and I immediately spot Bonnie on the couch, scanning through many grimoires. "Tick tock. I should hear chanting by now." Klaus smirks, walking further inside the room.

"I'm still studying the unlinking spell. It's not that easy, especially under duress." Bonnie snaps back glaring at Klaus and that's when she looks over her shoulder and her eyes land on me, it doesn't take long for her to start glaring at me.

"You've been warned. If you're looking for a way to send for help, I will kill anyone who comes to your rescue." Klaus warns, leaning down next to Bonnie's ear to intimidate her. "Plus, earlier today it seemed like you were nearly done."

"It's easier to unlink Emma from all of you because she's not from the same bloodline. I just don't know if I'm strong enough to unlink all of you." Bonnie sighs, getting up and walking past Klaus but since I'm leaning against the doorframe, she doesn't get too far.

"Then you should have a little more faith in yourself, Bonnie." I speak with no emotion which makes her narrow her eyes at me in suspicion.

"Your energy helped my mother link us. Honestly, I think someone isn't trying very hard. Very well." Klaus shrugs, pulling out his phone and I guess he's calling plan B.

Kol immediately answers the phone since I hear him. "Brother, the little witch isn't being cooperative?"

"No. How's the weather up there in Mile High City? And how's our friend? May I see him?" Klaus smirks and walks over to Bonnie, holding up his phone and shows her Jeremy playing with a dog. "There's Jeremy, playing fetch with his new puppy. Oh, isn't that just the most adorable thing you've ever seen?" Klaus pulls the phone away from us. "Thank you Kol, we'll be in touch. So, Bonnie, how bout that spell?" Klaus smirks and Bonnie simply glares at the both us.

She really thinks I would let him hurt my brother.


I walk inside the living room, cringing when I hear Damon's screams of pain. Damon is being held up from the ceiling by bear traps and Rebekah is cutting him with a knife, probably trying to bleed the Vervain out of his system for her to compel him later.

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