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"So... you're telling me that Stefan took my sister to the woods for her punch cement blocks, because ever since she turned her switch on... she wants to kill Katherine?" I question him, making him simply nod. "And why are we here?" I point at the road in front of us.

Damon glances over at me. "I wanted to have some fun and you kind of just appeared at my house, so, I thought... why not bring Emma along with me?"

"Of course. I'm not the worst company ever after all, right?" I ask, making him slightly laugh.

"You still remember that?"

"Why wouldn't I? A lot changed, true. It doesn't mean I forgot things that happened and were said before I turned." I point out with a shrug, looking around the road, hearing a car coming down the road. "Let the fun begin." I smirk as Damon vamp speeds off the road.

I stand in the middle of the road as the car approaches me. When the person sees me, they brake the car as fast as they can, the car stopping a few inches from me.

The guy gets out of the car with a furious look. "You bitch, you can't just stand in front of my precious car like that! If you want to die, jump off a bridge." He glares at me and I arch my eyebrow at him.

"Your precious car?" I walk around the car, the guy eyeing me cautiously. I punch the window, causing glass to shatter everywhere and the guy to turns his head at the noise. "Oops."

The guy glares at me before charging at me in anger. I side step him, causing him to almost fall over. He tries to throw a punch, but I quickly turn around, grabbing his arm and I break it. He throws another punch with his other hand, but I easily stop him.

"You messed with the wrong guy." He seethes.

He kicks me in the stomach, causing me to let go of his hands and he looks surprised that I didn't stumble back. "Oh, you messed with the wrong bitch." I bring my feet up, kicking him in the face, causing his head to go through his car window. "You're tough... for a human." He looks up at me confused before I show him my vamp face.

He looks at me horrified but the guy surprises me when he stands up and I feel a sharp pain on my stomach. I look down to see a pocket knife and I growl out.

I take the knife out, tossing it to the side on the floor. "I'm going to kill him." I call out as I speed in front of the guy.

"You're not gonna kill anyone, Emma. Elena would be pissed." Damon points out, speeding to stand beside me. "Elena will be pissed." He repeats himself, trying to convince me not to kill the guy. "You two are back on good terms, Em."

"So what? She knows what I am and she knows if I want to kill people...." I snap the guy's neck, watching as his body falls limp to the floor. "I will do it. She's not the boss of me."

I look up at Damon to see an impressive look on his face. "You really aren't like Stefan or Elena or even Caroline. You are like me, like Klaus, Kol... You're a killer, no remorse. You don't care if the person has a family or not, if you want to kill... you'll do it. To protect the ones you love, for fun or to threaten them, it makes people fear you. They never know which version of you they'll get." He says, making me remember the witches I killed to protect Bonnie, the vampires at the bar I helped Kol kill, the endless list of people I killed last summer.

"Why are you telling me that?" I furrow my eyebrows, looking up at him.

"It makes you a lot like Klaus." He states, causing me to deeply frown. "I know you probably want to live Mystic Falls and go live with them again. They're like a family to you now. But what about Elena?"

I frown. "She's got all of you"

"It's not the same. She needs you. You're her sister." I look away at his words, causing him to bring his hand up to my chin to make me look into his eyes. "I think you should go." He states with a serious look.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now