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"Emma." I hear a voice speak and I wipe my eyes, looking through the bathroom mirror and my eyes meet with his worried gaze. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm not the one you should be worried about." I point out, spinning around to face him.

He walks closer to me and pulls me into his chest. "You'll always be the only one I'll be most worried about. Especially after you told me about your deal with Elijah."

"Elena freaked out about it, but Elijah came through and Stefan is home to calm her down." I mutter against his chest as he rubs my back and I melt to his touch. "How is she?"

"She's probably going to die. The werewolf bite caused some kind of infection." There's silence for a few seconds before he pulls away and looks into my eyes. "I need help with Rose. I need you to watch her."

"I can't." I state without hesitation. "She's dying because of me. I can't even look at her, Damon. I feel guilty."

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. You don't have to do anting you don't want to. But remember... It was her choice to save you." Damon reassures me, lifting up my chin to look up at him and I shake my head as tears threaten to fall from my eyes. "It's not your fault she's like this, Emma."

"It is."

"E, it's not. You can't blame yourself, okay? Look, I'll call Elena to come help Rose. She's a people's person." Damon suggests and I shoot him a thankful smile. "Don't feel bad about not helping her, princess. It's not selfish. If it is, I'm selfish too because it could've been you and I'm glad it was her."

"Don't say that, Damon."

"You're right! It should've been me. I pissed Jules off. She was after me. You're my girl, I should've protected you-." He cut himself off as I shake my head at his words "See? Are you selfish to want her to be in that position instead of me?"

I look up at him. "There has to be a cure, Damon."

"I guess we can go straight to the source."

"St. Austell, thirty kilometres south of London. With fields and trees and horses." I trail off, looking into his eyes as he gives me a confused look. "I heard her talk to Trevor when I was kidnapped. She said she misses being there. It was her favourite place to go as a kid. If we have to... take her there one last time."

He nods his head when he understands what I'm saying. "Okay."


Damon and I walk inside the grill and he looks around to find who we came here for. He gently grabs my hand and leads the way over to a table where a women is seating down, peacefully eating her food.


All of the sudden, Stefan steps in front of us and he narrows his eyes down at me. "Are you okay, Emma?" I nod my head at him in response. "I was waiting for you, Damon. Listen, there's a lot of people here."

"Damon, there goes my plan to rip her spleen through her back." Damon snaps back sarcastically which causes Stefan to roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Look, I know you two want to save Rose. I know you feel guilty, Em." I cut Stefan off with a dry chuckle.

"Why should I feel guilty? Is not like she pushed me to the side when a bitch tried to attack me and now she's dying..." I trail off, crossing my arms over my chest as I stare back at Stefan. "I don't feel guilt. It would imply I care about her. I don't. She kidnapped me and tried to bargain me for her freedom. She deserves to die." I state before walking away from them and Damon follows right after me.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now