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"I am."

I bring my feet back, kicking him in the stomach and he flies back, hitting the lockers behind us with a grunt but he's quick to stand back up.

Ric glares at me, arching my eyebrow as I wait for his next move. He starts charging at me and I cry out as I charge back at him, the both of us speeding against the lockers before he grabs a hold of my head and smashes it against the trophy case.


"So, no evil monologue?" I question, standing up from the ground but he kicks me back down, stabbing something on my neck and I scream out when I feel it rushing through my veins.

He takes a few steps back which allows me to stand up but the world is already spinning around. I look up at him, wondering what his next move will be and that's when I see him take out a white oak stake from his jacket.

My eyes widen at it and before I can react, he stabs it into my abdomen, making me fall down to my knees in complete pain. He pulls the stake out and grabs a chunk of my hair, dragging me back to the classroom, ignoring my screams of pain.

He throws me inside the classroom, before grabbing some 'supplies' and walking back over to me. "If you're going to kill me, kill me already. You have the stake... all you need is some freaking bravery, old man." I spit at him, which makes his angry as he grabs my arm forcefully and forces me to seat down in a chair.

He puts on gloves and pulls out a cloth from a bucket of Vervain (at least it smells like it) before walking over to me. He walks behind me and I close my eyes, waiting for the pain to get to me and it doesn't take long for him to wrap the cloth around my mouth.

A few tears leave my eyes, the pain getting to me as he stabs me with pencils laced with vervain before wrapping my legs to the chair with vervain ropes.

Where the hell did he even get this much vervain?!

He smirks at me, finding it amusing that I'm pain as he leans against the desk in front of me. "Just like I imagined." He laughs, taking the phone out of his pocket and snapping a picture of me.

The vervain makes the air feel like knives whenever I breathe. I try my hardest not to move because it feels like I have sand on my blood and my ankles feel like they will melt off my body.

"I just need one more person for the party to start." He smirks at me, bringing his phone up to his ear as I narrow my eyes at him.

"Whoever this is, it isn't funny." The voice demands and my eyes widen when I hear who it is.

No, no, no, no... why?!

"Who else would it be?" Ric questions, his tone evil and the smirk never leaving his face.

"Ric?" Elena whispers horrified.

"Listen closely, I'm at the school. I have your sister, she's chuck full of vervain and suffering. By every minute that you take to get here, I will inject her with more vervain. So, be quick, come alone and don't tell anyone." Ric commands before hanging up the phone and staring at me.

At least he didn't threaten to kill me yet.

Ric tilts his head at me, looking amused at the state I'm already in. "So much vervain you're already fighting against... want some more?" He walks over to me and stabs me on the neck with more vervain. "Today, I will watch you die as I drive the stake through your heart, hopefully Klaus will be around to watch."


My head snaps over to the door as I hear footsteps running through the school and a heartbeat facecloth each step as I hear my name being called out several times.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now