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I take a seat beside Damon, making him look at me when I dramatically sigh. I turn my head to him and raise my eyebrow at his amused face. "I didn't even say what I want and you're already sighing."

"We just got back from our amazing gate away. I take one shower at my house. ONE. And I'm already getting texts from you to meet you and Ric because we have and I quote 'problems to solve'." I roll my eyes and Damon simply leans in and kisses my forehead.

"We need to be back to reality. As soon as this is over... we will have many years like that one moment." He proposes, kissing my cheek and I give him a knowing look.

"It better be, after the things I've been through. I deserved a freaking parade." I say and I hear Ric laugh from the other side of Damon.

"Good news, guys, Tyler Lockwood ran away from home last night. Thus ending our werewolf chapter bringing to... you know what. Before you ask, Sheriff Forbes told me about Tyler." Damon tells us and I sigh, wondering how Caroline must feel since they were close.

"Great. So what did Elijah tell you?" I ask Ric, knowing he went with Jenna this morning for a 'historical walk' with Elijah.

"Lectures about the founding families."

Elijah was with Jenna since he's 'getting to know Mystic Falls' and I think Ric tagged along because he is jealous of her being alone with Elijah. I don't blame him since Elijah is kind of hot. After the incident with the werewolves, Elijah texted me to check if I was well and he told me he was sorry for fleeing but 'he had business to take care of'.

"Other than your lecture on the history of Mystic Falls and the founding families, did you get anything out of Elijah?" Damon clarifies, backing my questions up.

"No, it was boring. Of course, Jenna thinks he's charming." Ric rolls his eyes.

"You sound a bit jealous. He sound a bit jealous to you, Em?" Damon questions me in amusement.

What's up with boys being jealous of Elijah?

Why is he even teasing Ric when he's jealous of Elijah?

"Reminds me of you." I give him a tight smile and Ric laughs at my words. "So are we actually going to do you know what? It's stupid. If John is lying, he'll kill all of you and take me and Elena to Klaus."

"I just need the right opportunity." He mutters and suddenly something switches in his brains and a smirk takes over his face which I don't like at all. "Ah, there's Jenna with her new boyfriend."

Ric and I turn around to look at Elijah and Jenna who spots her and walks towards us. "Hey, guys. How was your weekend?" Jenna smiles at Damon and I.

"Really good. Thank you."

"I hear you two had quite a meeting of historical minds today." Damon fakes a smile but soon he drops it and he starts glaring at Elijah.

"Yeah. I guess you could say that." She smiles, looking back at Elijah and he gives her a polite smile.

"Well, as much as I'd like to continue this, I've got papers to grade." Ric sighs, gathering his stuff and leaving the table but not before setting some money down.

"No, you know what? We should continue this." A women says coming out of nowhere and stopping Ric from leaving. I narrow my eyes at her as I recognise her from the news and she smiles when she sees me, making me look over at Damon with a suspicious look when I see him smirking. "Why don't we have a dinner party?"

Damon smiles at her words as I look at the women in pure confusion because I'm not sure how Damon and her know each other, and I'm sure he compelled her. "I'll be happy to host. Say tonight. Maybe?"

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now