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I walk through the Salvatore boarding house, smiling when I see Lexi and Stefan laughing and drinking. After all, you don't see Stefan happy with a friend everyday, you have to enjoy it.

I look behind me to see Damon, frowning as he was not expecting to see Lexi. "Emma! Damon! Help me celebrate my 17th high school graduation." Damon walks over to the stereo and turns the music off. "Hey, you remember my friend, Lexi, of course?" Stefan states sarcastically.

Damon rolls his eyes. "Lexi, back from the dead. Goody."

Lexi quickly speeds over to Damon, pinning him against the wall with a hand around his neck. "What's up, buzzkill?" Lexi smirks.

"Stefan, Emma you're just gonna sit there and let her enact her ghostly revenge?" Damon struggles to plead as he looks in between the both of us.

"You did kill her." I point out, walking over to the drinks to pour one for myself.

"Let's be very clear: whatever time I have left here, I sure as hell don't plan on wasting on you. You got me?" Lexi smirks, letting go of the hold on him.

"Emma." Lexi smiles, speeding over to me with a cheery expression. "You're a vampire now, welcome to the vampire world." She jokes and I laugh as we hug.

"I met you and a few hours later you died, but I still like you more than a lot of people." I return the smile as she pulls away from me.

"So... if you and Ric and little Gilbert are all flesh-like and real-seeming, that means something went horribly wrong when Bonnie tried to put that veil up. And here you two are, having a party." Damon comments, looking in between the two of them.

"You're right. How selfish of me to be indulging in these precious moments with my formerly dead best friend. I should be sacrificing my own happiness for the good of others, right?" Stefan asks sarcastically, taking a sip of his drink. "I should be upstairs grooming my hero-hair." He laughs with Lexi and I join them for a second.

"Are you drunk?" Damon notices.

"I don't know, Mom, am I?" Stefan snaps, causing me to snort a laugh as Lexi speeds over to Stefan and takes the bottle from him. Damon makes a disapproving sound, taking the bottle away from Lexi.

"Damon is right, if you're here and in about ten minutes I'm about to meet with my brother and Ric, something must've happened and the veil is still down." I sigh because it means if anyone wants revenge they will have an opportunity now.

"Now, any guesses on what the hell went wrong?" Damon questions, taking a swing of the bottle.

"Well, good luck finding it because I only came here to get the booze." I say, walking over to a brand new bourbon bootle and I grab it. "See you at graduation, Stefan." I call out, speeding out of the living room.

Yep, I'm graduating even though I never went to school this year. I don't have a choice, Caroline has been dreaming about this day forever and I can't let her down.


Elena and I laugh as Ric and Jeremy attack the burgers. "No grease on the Other Side, huh?" Elena jokes, eating her own food and I laugh, having missed moments like these.

"You have no idea how much I've missed this." Ric smiles, grabbing the bottle of bourbon that I brought. "And this." I grab the bottle from him with a teasing smile. "Hey!" Ric complains.

"Sharing is caring, Ric." I smile at him, taking a long sip from the bottle. As I make a move to give the bottle back to Ric, Elena takes it from me which surprises me.

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