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"Have you even talked to Bonnie?" I ask my best friend since I know the two of them got into a fight over the stupid necklace that I gave to grams and it turns out grams gave it to Bonnie and for some reason Caroline wants it back.

"No! I'm mad at her. She needs to make the first move." Caroline shakes her head, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Be the bigger person." Elena insists.

"Impossible in her presence." Caroline exclaims at us.

"How are you still mad at her?" I question her, narrowing my eyes at her since I have a feeling Damon is behind her sudden interest on getting the necklace back.

Speaking about Damon... he killed Lexi.

That's what he didn't want me to see it but it's alright because Elena did not hold back on all of the details about what I missed after Damon drove me home.

"She's a thief. I gave Em my necklace and she gave it to Bonnie and now she refuses to give it back." Caroline says with a pointed tone, looking in between the both of us. "It's a matter of principle."

"But why would you even want it back? You said you hated the necklace." I pause when she shoots me one of her evil looks even though I have a point. "I give up. Whatever."

"Good. Your turn." She turns towards my sister with a small smile. "Where's Stefan? Have you talked to him?" Caroline questions since Elena told us Stefan hasn't called her in a few days.

Elena shrugs with a sigh. "He's avoiding me."


"It's complicated." Elena states, drifting her eyes to me and I look down with no hesitation.

Stefan is grieving.

After a few minutes, we head to class and I'm actually excited for history because we are getting a new history teacher. I walk over to my usual seat at the back, looking at the clock to see we still have 59 minutes left of class.

I frown when I see Bonnie rushing inside the classroom with her head down and she walks over to her seat, avoiding any eye contact with everyone.

What is wrong with her?

"Good morning everyone." A strong male voice booms the classroom which makes me look away from Bonnie. "Alaric Saltzman." he writes on the board, rubbing his hands together when he turns back to looking at us. "I know it's a mouthful, doesn't exactly roll of the tongue. Saltzman is of the geeman essence, my family immigrated here in 1755 to Texas. I however was raised in Boston. Now the name Alaric elonga to a very dead great-grandfather that I will never be able to thank enough. You guys can call me Ric and I'm your new history teacher." He concludes with a smile, seating on the desk as we watch him.

I already like the guy more than Mr. T.


"And then I ended up at the remains of old Fell's church before I woke up back in the woods." Bonnie concludes and my head explodes at her story.

Bonnie is being haunted by her old dead ancestor.

That sucks.

"And you always see your ancestor, Emily?" Elena asks, intrigued by Bonnie's dream which makes her sleepwalk and end up in the middle of nowhere for the last few days.

"That's totally normal. It happens to me everytime I close my eyes." I try to bright up the mood with sarcasm and it seems to work because Bonnie cracks a smile.

Bonnie looks in between the both of us with a terrified expression. "Do you believe in ghosts?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't you?" I point out with a 'duh' look.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now