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Suddenly, Elijah's back arches and he gasps for air as he opens his eyes. "Katerina?" He whispers when his eyes land on both of us and he stands up to his feet. "I can't-I can't breathe!" He stutters, falling back to his knees. "What's happening to me?"

I shrug not knowing what is happening to him and I think it's not a side effect from waking up from the dead. He tries to speed out of the basement but slams himself against the doorway, struggling to move with his own legs.

"I can't... I can't be in this house." Elijah trails off.

"You're not invited in." Elena whispers, being the smart one for once.

So when a vampire is inside the house without being invited in this happens?

"Then get me out of here." He demands before rushing out of the basement without our help with Elena immediately following after him but something catches my eyes.

If we're going to get Elijah to do anything for us he needs to have a proof that he can trust us.

I grab the dagger from the floor before running up the stairs and when I reach my sister's side at the front door, Elijah and Elena are simply staring at each other.

"What happened?" He demands.

"Shh!" Elena gestures that Damon and Stefan can hear us by pointing upstairs. "I'll tell you. Not here. Can I trust you?" She lowly whispers as he rolls his eyes.

Elijah leans slightly forward with a little glare on my sister. "Can I trust you?"

"Well, you should." I whisper, stepping out the door where the barrier can't 'protect' us and I hold the dagger out for him to take. "You need us more than we need you if you want Klaus dead. You need us." He looks at the dagger for a moment before taking it out of my hand.

"You broke my trust way too many times now." Elijah points out as Elena looks in between the two of us. "I should kill everyone you care about, Emma."

"Go ahead."

"Em!" Elena shoots me a warning look.

"What's stopping you? You can come in. Kill Stefan and Damon. Go to the Gilbert house and kill Jeremy. Go to Ric's house... although, you wouldn't be able to kill him." I dramatically sigh which makes him furrow his eyebrows at my words. "I mean, taking into account Klaus took over his body." I state, making his eyes widen at the information.


"Where did you get the dagger?" He asks, finishing another blood bag.

"We'll tell you everything. But we have to work together, Elijah. I need your word." Elena demands, focusing on the road in front of her but I'm not sure where we're going.

"Your ability to make demands has long passed." Elijah scolds.

"No demands. We're offering you our help. And in return we want yours." I speak to him from the back of the car, making him turn around to look at me. "I told you he's here. We all want him dead. We need you and you need us."

Suddenly, my phone starts ringing and I take it out of my pocket, answering it. "Where are you? Where's Elijah?" He fires at me and I look over at the man in front of me,

"I took him out on a road trip for us to catch up. I'll get him home safe in time for dinner." I sarcastically reply and I know Damon won't admit but I know he's jealous of Elijah.

"Where. Are. You?" He slowly growls out.

"Damon, I'm not going to tell you. Elijah, Lena and I need to have a serious and long conversation. With you and Stefan there, it wouldn't go well. I'm okay and Lena as well. Pass the message to Stefan." I reply with an annoyed tone.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now