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"So you two really can't get in."

Damon shakes his head at my sister as I speak. "I can. Damon can't, it seems like even the ancient Lockwood's were anti-vampire... well, they tried."

"What do you mean ancient?" Elena questions with a frown.

"See for yourself." I gesture to where Ric is taking notes of the names on the walls.

"What is all this?" Elena asks and I turn towards her.

"As far as I can tell, it's a story. In simple archeological terms, it's a really, really old story." Ric explains, shining his flashlight on the drawings on the wall. "That right there is a moon cycle. A man, a wolf."

"A werewolf?" Elena breathes out in shocking tone.

"Yeah, it's the Lockwood diaries, pictionary style." Damon jokes and Elena furrow her eyebrows in pure confusion, making me roll my eyes since we might have to draw it out for her slow processing self to be able to understand what's happening.

"I don't understand. I thought the Lockwood's came here with the original founders in the 1860's." Elena confusedly speaks.

"Maybe, the Lockwood's did. But according to this wall these werewolves have been here a lot longer than that." Ric states and she nods even though I'm pretty sure she's not fully understanding anything.

"How long?"

"Longer than you can imagine." I answer, looking over at Ric. "It gets better. Show her Ric." I point at the names written on the wall. "Names, not native. They're written in Runic, a Viking script."

"Vikings?" Elena clarifies.

"This name here translated reads... Niklaus." I state, looking over my shoulder to watch my sister's shocked expression. "Klaus."

"Elijah." Ric says and I look down at my feet since a part of me misses having him around as he was a good teacher, therapist and he easily become a friend to me.

"And Rebekah." I conclude, placing my hands in my back pockets as I walk closer to them. "These are the names of the Original family." I explain and she sighs at the information.

"Carved into a cave that's been here since way before the founding of Mystic Falls. Or even the entire new world for that matter." Ric adds with his hands inside is pockets.

"Okay, this has got to be one of Klaus' fakes." Elena insists, making me give her a knowing look since it wouldn't make any sense as he can't even get in.

"Well, your sister thinks otherwise and as usual she's right." Damon states from the other side of the barrier.

"The last name up here made Damon and I agree with Em." Ric explains, making me smirk because it was an amazing moment when I proudly said 'I told you so'.

"What's the last name?"

"Mikael." I answer.

"Mikael... as in the vampire hunter who knows how to kill Klaus?" Elena clarifies and I roll my eyes.

No, Mikael as in the newspaper deliver man.

"Yup. I like to now call him Papa Original." Damon states while Ric starts taking pictures of the drawings and my phone starts ringing, making all of them snap their heads to look at me.

I press answer and bring my phone up to my ear. "Klaus, I was just thinking about you. What do you want?"

"An update." He replies and I hear screams in the background. "What has been happening in my absence, love?" Klaus question with that British accent of his that I actually like.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now