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"Bonnie!" I call out as my sister and I jog over to her.

"Hey." Bonnie replies I a toneas if she doesn't want to see us and I understand her. I just wanted to check on how she's doing since she hasn't answered any of our phone calls and it's been 2 months since we last saw her.

"We tried to grab you after class but you had already taken off. How are you? How's your family?" Elena rushed out, sounding concerned about our friend that we haven't seen or head from in months.

Bonnie sighs with a slight shrug."We're dealing. It's been hard."

"We missed you." I smile at her but she doesn't return it.

"Yeah... I've just had so much to deal with after gram's funeral and honestly after you told me the tomb spell failed. I just didn't really want to come back." Bonnie looks down at her feet and I simply nod.

"I hope you understand why I called. I wanted you to know before you came back." Elena speaks softly but it looks like she didn't want to know about it.

"I understand why, I just shouldn't... know." Bonnie frowns, not making any eye contact with us.

"I know it's been really hard but-." Caroline cuts her off, running towards us.

"Bonnie, thank god you're home." She runs up to her and gives Bonnie a tight hug. "I know we talked everyday but I miss you. How are you doing?" Caroline asks and Elena looks over at Bonnie with a hurt look, while I stare at her emotionlessly.

"Better, it's better. You know, glad to be back. I just need to keep myself busy." Bonnie gives her a smile, ignoring the both of us.

"Well, I can help with that. Major wardrobe meeting ASAP, you need to help me pick the perfect dress for the founders court." Caroline smiles brightly at Bonnie who nods in agreement.

"The founders court?" I mumble, causing for the three of them to look over at me as realisation washes over me. I completely forgot Miranda wanted me to sign up because Elena dropped out and Miranda wanted to have more bonding time with me. "We signed so long ago. I nearly forgot about it."

"Wait, so are you dropping out then?" Caroline questions me, sounding hopeful.

"I can't." I shake my head.

"Mom really wanted one of us to enter and I dropped out. So she convinced Em and they were planning it for so long." Elena sadly smiles and I look at the ground lost in thought. "She would love it for her to do it, even if she's not here."



I take a deep breath and knock on the door a few times, cringing to myself since I'm not used to knocking. He swings the door wide open and looks confused when he sees me.

"Em. Is something wrong?"

"I need a favour from you." He frowns at my words and I bite down on my lip, thinking about all of my life decisions so far. "I was wondering if you would be my escort for Miss Mystic Falls?" I mumble but he hears me perfectly.

"If I say no, who would you go with...?" He trails off with a teasing smirk running around his lips.

"Tyler. It's you or Tyler." I confess since Miranda wanted me to go with Tyler as we were dating when she signed me up.

Damon chuckles slightly. "Well, it's such a easy pick." He cockily smirks and I roll my eyes at his arrogance. "So, you're really choosing me over your ex?"

"Yeah, I am. You know, Tyler and I aren't on good terms. Miranda wanted me to go with Tyler but... she also wanted me to be happy." I tell him and he nods his head, trying to contain his smile.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now