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"Hello love."

A smile creeps up to my lips as I turn around slowly, the smile never leaving my lips when my eyes land on him. I thought he had left Mystic Falls but he's standing right in front of me.

"Nik?" I whisper, placing my hand on his face, brushing our noses together before I plant a kiss on his lips and he doesn't hesitate to kiss me back. "I thought you left."

He smiles brightly at me, wrapping his arm around my waist. "I did leave. I was halfway to Chicago when I was told Tyler got attacked. I came back scared they would come after you."

I sigh when he lays his forehead against mine. "There's a new vampire hunter in town, Nik."

"Do you really want to talk about that now?" He playfully frowns with a hinting look.

"Not really."

"I thought you would've come by and say goodbye but you never did." He confesses, leaning me against the wall of our house but still keeping me close to his body.

"I didn't want to say goodbye to you. I understand why you want to go but....." I trail off.

He slightly smiles, placing a soft kiss to my forehead, his fingers interlacing with mine. "I'm staying here for a while."

"That's good." I smile back.

"You know, love, we didn't talk much about how you got kidnapped. How did you end up there?" He questions with a more serious look.

"I was at your house talking to Rebekah. After all she was the one that killed my sister." I point out and he chuckles slightly but when he sees the look I give him, he tries his hardest to stop.

Key word: 'tries'.

"You already know how my sister is. She's a very vengeful girl." He smirks, rubbing my arm up and down. "As you said once, revenge runs in the Mikaelsons' veins." He pauses for a second. "Now, Tyler is very well protected, I've got some hybrids around his house."

"Did you just come to see how Tyler was doing?" I tease, trailing a hand down his chest.

"I actually should've came here to kill Tyler." He looks around before locking eyes with me. "But you wouldn't like that very much, would you?" Before I question what he means, he continues on. "Killing Tyler would've upset your best friend, Caroline, and I don't think you would've liked that very much."

"I would've hated to see Care sad." I confess, looking down at my feet. "And I would've absolutely hated that you killed Tyler or any of my friends."

He smiles, nodding his head with an understanding look. "Promise me to be careful, I wouldn't want a certain hunter to kill you."

"I'm an original." I point out with a laugh and he cracks a smile. "I'm invincible."

"I know, but I wouldn't want to see you get hurt." He says, pulling me closer to him. "Come with me, love." He whispers in my ear before speeding us away and I don't question where he's taking me.

I'm so in deep with this man.

I missed him even if he was gone for a short amount of time.

I fell too hard, but he caught me.


I hear as Tyler and Klaus talk to each other, walking around the Lockwood mansion and I lean against the wall when I notice a brunette girl seats at the office's chair as if she owns the place.

"Who are you?" I question, tilting my head to the side as the girl somehow seems familiar like I've actually seen her face somewhere before.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now