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It's been a few days and Mr. Tanner's mysterious death is still on the Tv. Everyone seems a bit scared about what happened but I just find it weird. Why would a animal attack a person like that again?

"Scum ball. Scum bucket."

I look over my shoulder and give Jenna a questioning look. "Who are you talking about?" I ask her, grabbing the popcorn from the table and stuffing some on my mouth, ready for her to spill the tea.

"Him." she points at the man on the TV with a disgusted expression. "Also known as Logan Scum Fell." Jenna states, folding the clothes as I stuff more popcorn into my mouth. "Did Miranda ever tell you why I moved away from Mystic Falls?"

I laugh, spitting out my mouthful of popcorn. "Are you serious? Him?" I question her, laughing so hard that I fall down the couch, all of the popcorn falling on the floor. "No!!" I cry out, looking down at the wasted food.

"He's cute." Elena comments, walking towards the table with a jewellery box on her hand.

"He's not cute." I look at Elena in pure judgement. "And you wonder why you're single."

"Em is right. He's not cute. There's nothing cute about him." Jenna glares at the tv, turning it off and I clean up the popcorn, standing up to throw it away with the saddest expression I can master.

"You were good while it lasted." I say, pouring the popcorn on the bin before turning to my sister. "What are you doing with that?" I ask, walking over to her to see her clean up the family heirlooms.

"I went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box. Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood that she would loan it to the Founders Council for their heritage display." Elena explains and Jenna picks up a ring from the box to observe it with a smile.

"Is that Grandma Beth's wedding ring?"

"Originally it was Great Gradma Mary's wedding ring." Elena corrects with a smile, looking down at all of the jewellery laying on the table.

"How much do you think this stuff is worth on E-Bay?" Jeremy asks with a joking tone, walking into the kitchen to pick up one of the heirlooms.

Elena reaches over and snatches it from his hand with a glare. "You're not going to find out."

"That stuff is Mom and Dad's. You can't just give it away." Jeremy argues back, both Jenna and I give each other a look and don't get involved into their argument.

"I'm not giving it away. It's called a loan, Jeremy." Elena spits back as the doorbell rings, the four of us snapping our heads to look at the door.

"Yeah, it's fine, don't bother yourselves. I'll get the door." I say with sarcasm, walking up to the door and I'm not surprise to open it and see Stefan standing there with a smile on his face. "Stefan Salvatore."

"Hi..." he trails off with an awkward smile.

"Lena your booty call is here." I call out, causing her to come rushing to the door and give me a glare which makes me laugh as I leave the two of them alone and help Jenna cook some food for dinner.


I look at myself in the mirror and smile at the outfit that Caroline suggested I wore, she bought the dress impulsively and didn't like how it looked so she gave it to me.

I slip my ring on and head downstairs to see Stefan and Elena waiting for me since I got back home about ten minutes ago and I'm impressed I was quick to get changed.

"You look beautiful, Em." Elena compliments me and I smile at her, reaching the last few steps of the stairs.

"I always do." I smirk and look over at Stefan. "You two, love birds, don't look too bad yourselves."

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now