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My phone vibrates and I immediately take it out of my pocket to check who it is, not caring I'm not being discreet that I'm texting in class.

Your sister wants me to have dinner with you two and Stefan tonight. She wants me to get to know him because I said I had a bad feeling about him. Save me, Em.


No can do, Bon. You know my sister. Whatever she wants, she'll get it. Just do it tonight and get it over with. Then you actually have excuses to why you don't like him.


If you say so. I guess I'll see you there.


"Emma Gilbert." Mr. Tanner calls out and I immediately roll my eyes at him, putting my phone away before he tries to take it away from me.

"Yeah, sir?" I give him a tight smile.

"Pearl Harbor?" He asks, wanting me to give him the date of when it happened.

"So... um... 19...." I trail off not knowing the answer, but making him think I have any idea.

I'm not good with dates.

I barely remember my own birthday sometimes.

"December 7th, 1941." Stefan answers for me and I shoot him a thankful look.

"Thank you, Miss. Gilbert." Mr. Tanner jokes, walking in front of Stefan's desk with a challenging expression plastered on his face. "Very well. The fall of the Berlin Wall?"

"1989." Stefan answers which impresses me. "I'm good with dates."

"Are you? How good? Keep it to the year. Civil rights act?" Tanner fires, deeply glaring at Stefan.


"John F. Kennedy assassination?"


"Martin Luther King?"




"Roe Vs Wade?"


"Brown Vs Board?"


"The battle of Gettysburg?"


"Korean war?"

"1950 to 1953."

"Ha! It ended in '52." Mr. Tanner exclaims with a smug look.

"Actually, sir, it was '53." Stefan argues back, making Mr. Tanner glare at him for a few seconds before looking around the classroom.

"Look it up, someone!" Mr. Tanner demands, trying to contain his fury.

"It was 19... 53." I contain my smirk as I say those words out loud.

Mr. T got schooled by Stefan.

Turns out Stefan and I will be great friends.


I look around at the cheerleader's, having come to grab the house keys from Elena since I forgot mine at home. I turn around to make my way home to see a familiar car pull up in front of us.

I frown when I see my best friend getting out of the car after kissing Damon. I swallow the lump on my throat, remembering the message she send me saying she had gotten a new boyfriend.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now