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After Damon and I sat hand in hand the other day, everything is a kind of a blur. All I remember is getting into bed and easily falling asleep. I think Damon might've compelled me for some reason which could explain why I woke up and my ring was on my bedside.

"Did I miss something?" Elena ask as we walk down the hallway and we notice Matt and Caroline flirting in the distant. She's been telling me all the gossip about her and Matt getting closer lately after he helped her at her party.

I'm here for it!

Whatever makes Caroline happy.

"They've been hanging out." I inform my sister with a smile.

"That's kind of weird, don't you think?" Elena asks and I furrow my eyebrows

"She needs someone nice like him as opposed to a homicidal vampire like Damon." Bonnie looks at me and then at the ground, probably wondering about the other day. "How are you, Em?"

"I'm okay. You see, I'm invincible. Not even a vampire can kill me. Sorry babes but I'm living forever." I smile, trying to crack a joke and ignoring the way I've been feeling since I found out about everything.

"Where's Stefan anyway?" She asks my sister.

"Don't know. Well, he told me he was leaving. For all I know he's already gone." Elena informs her friend and I wonder what the Salvatore brothers are up to right now.

"He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye." I point out but she shakes her head, dismissing my statement.

"Yes, he would. He thinks he's protecting me, a clean break and all that." Elena says as we walk over to her locker and she takes a few books out before closing it.

"So, what are you going to do?" Bonnie questions.

"What am I supposed to do? I already begged him not to go, if I ask again I'm being.... selfish." Elena states, looking down in thought.

Bonnie shrugs. "Well, maybe it's for the best."

"What? Why?" Elena asks with a somewhat hurt look.

We start walking down the hallway as Bonnie speaks. "I mean what kinda of future could you have had with him even if he stayed?" Bonnie points out as a banner that says 'promise our future' falls in front of us.

"Did you just...?" Elena starts but Bonnie cuts her off.

"No, I swear." Bonnie defends herself as Elena glares at the poster for a second before walking past it in annoyance which makes Bonnie sigh. "You understand where I'm coming from, right?"

"I understand what you're trying to do. She doesn't and it's Elena... she won't listen to us because she's in denial." I give her a reassuring smile, placing my hand around her shoulder and she sighs once again. "She'll understand what you mean when she takes a second to realise what it would mean to have a future with a vampire. She'd have to sacrifice everything she wants. So, don't worry about it, Bonbon. She'll come around."

"I hope so." Bonnie mutters as we walk into our next class.


"Hi." Stefan smiles awkwardly, walking over to our table and looking at Elena with a serious look before his eyes meet with mine and I can tell something happened. "We need to talk."

"What's going on?"

"There's a new vampire in town." he casually states like it's a normal thing to say on a Tuesday morning.

"And? You wants us to invite him to have lunch together at the vampire grill around the corner?" I sarcastically question him with a raised eyebrow.

"We thought me and Damon were the only ones, Em, but sheriff Forbes came to us today and said she found a women drained of blood last night." Stefan says and I narrow my eyes at him.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now