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"Thanks for coming." Elena says as we walk through the hospital doors since she called me to come see Ric who somehow ended up in the hospital as soon as he got out of jail.

"Let me get this straight, sister, I let Klaus hurt Ric because I knew he had the ring. I'd let Klaus hurt Ric over and over again if it meant protecting Jeremy. It doesn't mean I don't care about any of you." I explain and she slowly nods her head, leading the way to his room. "How's Jeremy?"

"He's alright, he has friends in Denver. He even adopted a dog. He's happy." Elena smiles and I smile at the thought of my brother who I haven't seen ever since I died.

"That's cause you compelled his problems away, Elena. Again."

"I did what I thought was right." She argues back and I roll my eyes at her. "He wouldn't of agreed if I asked him to."

"How do you know? How about get him some vervain and better friends? You let him hang out with Tyler? Really?" I raise my eyebrow at her, the both of us stopping a few feet away from Ric's room.

"I didn't know. If anything you would know better than me since Tyler worked for Klaus and so did you." She points out, crossing her arms to seem more intimidating but as soon as I take one step closer to her, she takes three steps back.

I smirk at her action, stifling a laugh before locking eyes with her. "I didn't work for Klaus anymore, I was helping him. Also, I didn't know he was using and abusing his side with Tyler to get to all of you. I'm not by his side 24/7, I don't know his every move."

"Back then maybe not, but now? You two are a couple, hard to believe he does anything without telling you."

"I don't know what to tell you, Elena. Does Damon or Stefan or whoever you love right now ever tells you what they're going to do before they do it?" I question, causing for her to look away from me. "Yeah, didn't think so. That's why you take it into your hand and so stupid stuff in your own. Like, oh, I don't know, link me and the originals."

"I didn't know," she raises her voice for a second, cutting herself off when a doctor walks past us. "you were going to be linked. I just want things to go back to normal. Klaus, he has a hold on me. You don't see him as the bad guy 'cause you love him now. You wouldn't understand."

I shake my head with an amused smile. "I know who he is, Elena. I've seen what he's capable of. His past and his present. I'm in love with him, but I'm not blind."

"Em... about Damon-." I shake my head, cutting her off as I walk away from her.

"I don't see you for a few and you go to jail and then land your ass here!" I tease, smiling as I walk inside the hospital room with Elena strolling behind me.

He slightly chuckles, sitting at the end of the hospital bed. "It's good to see you, Emma. I heard what you and your sister were trying to do... to help me. Thank you."

"It's not a problem. Can't be the bad guy all the time. It's exhausting." I smirk and he rolls his eyes at my statement with a smile.

"You ready to ditch this House of Horrors?" Damon asks, walking inside the room, his eyes roaming Ric up and down. "Oof, you look terrible." He teases before he spots me. "Emma." Damon breathes out.

"Elena called me. I'm here to check on Ric. Make sure old age isn't the cause of all of this." I joke, which makes Rid roll his eyes at me before standing up from the bed.

"Well, let me... let me check outta here." He calls out as he walks out of the room with Elena following after him.

On the way out, she gives Damon a slight glare and I narrow my eyes at the both of them, wondering why they're mad at each other this time. I walk out of the room and over to Ric at the front desk, seeing Elena has probably gone to start the car.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now