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"Hello, Elena. Emma. It's nice to see you two again."

"Again?" Jenna points out, looking at us with a lost, sad and betrayed expression crossing her eyes.

"So you're the woman who's dating my husband." Isobel looks at Jenna up and down with a small smirk. "I need to speak to Elena and Emma. May I come in?" Isobel asks and my head snaps back to her.

"No. You may walk away!" I exclaim, shutting the door in her face before looking back over at Jenna to see tears threatening to run down her face as she looks completely heartbroken.

Is this what Isobel wanted to achieve by coming here?

"You knew she was still alive?" Jenna croaks out, receiving silence as a reply as we look down at our feet with guilt washing over us. "Ric? John? Did they know?"

"I can explain everything, Jenna." Elena starts but Jenna doesn't let her speak as she takes off running up the stairs.

Elena follows after her, calling out her name but it's useless since Jenna locks herself in her room and tunes out her voice out, making me sigh but think that Jenna needs time to process all of this on her own.

Anytime something good happens, something bad happens follows.


I'm on the couch watching teen wolf since it's the only thing I can do right now. I have stayed up all night, hoping that Jenna would eventually come out of her room to have a snack but she hasn't.

Suddenly, a knock on the door snaps me out of my thoughts and I jog over to the door, throwing it open it. I know it's not Isobel because she knows there's no point in coming back when we're going to slam a door in her face every single time.

"Hey. Is she up yet?" Ric asks, walking inside the house and I shut the door for him. I called Ric to tell him about last nights events about Isobel reappearing and Jenna not getting out of her room.

"She won't come out of her room." Elena tells Ric, walking down the stairs to join our conversation.

"What'd you tell her?" Ric questions, looking in between Elena and I with a worried look on his face.

Chill Ric, we didn't tell her that you're a vampire hunter, our boyfriends are vampires and so is my best friend, Bonnie is a witch, Tyler is a werewolf, Elena and I are doppelgängers running away from a 1000-year-old original vampire that wants to break a curse by sacrificing us. Although, I'm a doppelgänger legend and whatnots.

"Nothing. She won't talk to me or Em." Elena sighs, running a hand through her hair.

"We're gonna have to fix this." Ric states and I simply nod my head, hoping for the same.

I hear footsteps through the house and I look up at the stairs to see Jenna running downstairs with a bag in her hand. I sure as hell hope that's dirty laundry and nothing else!

"Hey." I call out by Jenna ignores all of us.

"Jenna!" Ric exclaims.

"I don't want you here, Ric. You need to go." Jenna demands with an emotionless expression, not making any eye contact with us.

"Okay, listen. I can't begin to imagine what you must be feeling right now." Ric is cut off by her.

"Rage and betrayal would pretty much cover it." Jenna snaps back, putting on her jacket on before placing the bag over her shoulder and heading for the front door.

"Where are you going?" Elena questions.

"I'm going to stay on campus. I have a thesis to write, and I don't want to be in this house." Jenna explains, looking at Elena and I but not daring to make any eye contact with Ric.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now