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I look down at my phone to see a voicemail from Nik, I click on it and put it on speaker as I'm still driving. "Em, I'm standing in one of my favourite places in the world, as you know. I think that you'll love it even more if it wasn't late at night." He pauses for a few seconds. "I want to show you all of this... It's always been your dream to leave Mystic Falls. I want you to came here, live with me, fight by my side. I'm not saying it will be easy as the witches are plotting against me, but your help and... company would be nice. Em...."

I stop the voicemail, setting my phone in my backpocket. Maybe I'll leave Mystic Falls when this is all over but my problems would end here and start in New Orleans.

I need time to think about it.

I park the car in front of the Salvatore house and get out of the car. I hear Stefan and Damon talking in the basement, making me speed over to them.

"Missed me?" I ask from behind them.

"Emma, I thought you wouldn't be back for the next century." Damon says with a tight smile.

I roll my eyes at him. "Well, I did tell Stefan I would be back. Where is she? I want to see her."

"We're not letting anyone see her right now. Isolation leads to misery, misery leads to emotion." Stefan tries to reason with me as Damon heads upstairs.

"And also leads to no recovery, if no one triggers other emotions like anger, sadness or even guilt. This won't work! Your treatment sucks because I went to New Orleans and came back and there's still no change whatsoever. If I'm not wrong she's even more reckless than before I left." I cross my arms over my chest.

When Stefan called me, he told me that they took Elena's daylight ring and tried to burn her leg but it only made Elena set herself free to open all the curtains and burn. Obviously, they saved her, she's not better and she knows they won't do anything to kill her.

Unlike me.

"Look, she doesn't want to feel anything. She's devastated; she lost her brother, she attacked Bonnie, she killed an innocent woman." Stefan lists, trying to reason with me but I shrug.

"You said that you knew how to help her. That's why I left. I thought I could trust your word." I narrow my eyes at him.

"We are." He twists his mouth to the side, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Really, how?" I fire back, giving him a bored look.

"It's not torture, it's an intervention. To make her feel anything." Stefan points out, waving his hands around to emphasise his point.

"I'm going to talk to her. Before any more 'intervention'. If she's weak, she can't hurt me and she's wouldn't dare to." Stefan opens his mouth to speak but I hold my hand up. "I don't need your approval." I walk past him.

"Good luck." Stefan mumbles.

I look through the cellar to see a very weak looking Elena. I open the cellar door and walk in, Elena looks up at me seeming a bit surprised. "What are you doing here?" She questions with a raspy voice.

I sit down next to her, pulling a vial of blood from my pocket and wave it in her face. "I brought you this. It doesn't have any vervain in it, I figured you would want some. It might help you think straight." Elena looks at the vial before she takes it out of my hand and drinks it desperately. "And I thought when I came back you would be the same old boring you." I dramatically sigh.

Elena spins the vail on the stone floor, playing with it as she looks bored. "What makes you such an expert on who I am?"

"Because I'm your sister, Elena." I state.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now