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It has been a few days since everything happened.

I feel completely better, some nightmares here and there about it, but I'm healed. Damon helped me through it; he has been sleeping on my bed because of the nightmares and I feel safer.

He even promised that he wouldn't allow the same thing to happen ever again.

He can't avoid it, but hearing it come from him makes me want to believe him.

I walk inside the kitchen, Elena is eating her breakfast and she shoots me a smile as soon as her eyes land on me.

"How are you feeling, Em?"

"I'm flawlessly ready to go back to school." I wink and pour myself a cup of coffee.

"What's up twins?" Jenna greets, walking inside the kitchen with a bright smile on her face.

"Nothing much, Jen. What about you? You're glowing. Is it because of a certain history teacher?" I wiggle my eyebrows at her and she shuts her mouth as she turns her back to me. "Uh, I see you."

"Let's go, Em. Aunt Jen will spill later." Elena calls out and we walk out of the kitchen and towards the front door to walk out. "Jeremy, come on! Going to school! Walking out the door now."

"Hey, Em, you forgot this." Jenna runs over to me and hands me my phone.

I open the front door surprise to see someone standing there with his hand in the air as if he was about to knock.

Someone I wasn't expecting to see at all.

"Emma." He smiles as I turn around to look at Elena and Jenna with a questioning look.

What the hell is he doing here?

"Elena." He smiles as he sees her standing behind me.

"Uncle John." Elena shoots him a tight smile. "Hey..."

When he looks over at Jenna, his smile fades away and he looks at her emotionlessly. "Jenna."

"John, you made it." Jenna states with an annoyed tone which implies she didn't actually want him here.

"I said I would be here at noon." John points out, walking in and I glare at Jenna since she knew he was probably coming and didn't warn us.

"What you say and do are very different things." Jenna glares at him.

"Uncle John, what's up?" Jeremy walks down the stairs with a smile, patting John's back before walking away and he looks like he was about to say something but closes his mouth.

Jeremy's probably the only one happy to see John.

"I had some business in town, I thought a visit was in order." John explains and I roll my eyes at him.

He only visits when it's convenient.

"Hey, uh... how long are you staying?" I ask with a tight smile.

"I don't know yet."

"Well, we got to get to school. See you later." Elena smiles, looping her arm through mine as we try to walk away from his presence.

"Unfortunately." I mutter under my breath as we head out the door. "What you think he wants?"

"No clue."

This day couldn't get better.

Note the sarcasm.


"Em, Elena can you stay behind for a few moments?" Ric asks as the rest of the class walks out the door.

Oh no.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now