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"Tell me you're not serious!" I hear Caroline exclaim as Elena talks to her on the phone, while Stefan, Rebekah and I stand a few away from her listening in.

"I wish I weren't. When we got back from looking for Jeremy, Shane and Bonnie were gone too. Shane needs Bonnie to cast a spell on Jeremy's tattoo in order to find the cure, and he managed to sneak them both out from under our noses." Elena explains and I arch my eyebrows at her because it wasn't like we were watching other each other like hawks.

"Well, where's Damon in all this?"

"We had an argument." Elena states, looking down at her feet and I watch her cautiously. "I thought he was just taking a walk, Emma saw him, but then when we went to the beach, we saw signs of a struggle."

"Meaning what?"

"Meaning somebody probably jumped him and then grabbed him!" Elena points out, running a hand through her hair.

Caroline doesn't speak for a few moments. "Do you think Shane took him?"

"No, I mean, he's not strong enough to take Damon, even with the element of surprise. He must have someone, or at least a few someones helping him." Elena suggests and I wonder what happened after I left him alone.

"I'm so sorry. I wish I was there to help." Caroline speaks with a gentle tone.

"Well, maybe there's something you can do from home." Elena starts and I frown at her words, my mind going back to thinking about Nik being trapped.

"Anything. Tell me." Caroline urges out.

"So Shane's looking for the cure. We think we can find him. We have pictures of Jeremy's tattoo, but we just can't translate the map." Elena explains with a small sigh, Rebekah giving me an unfamiliar look.

"Unless you get the Hunter's Sword from Klaus." Caroline breathes out, sounding like she's fed up by his company already.

He won't give it to them.

He's stubborn too.

"Exactly!" Elena exclaims.

"He'll never give up the sword." Rebekah calls out, speaking up for the first time in a while.

"Yeah, but if anyone's gonna get him to give it up, it's going to be Emma." Stefan speaks, glancing over at me and I shake my head. "Come on, Em."

"No. Nah ah! Do whatever you want but don't use me to get Klaus to give up the sword." I demand, crossing my arms over my chest. "But I doubt he will never give up the sword."

"She's right. He's terrified we'll use the cure against him to make him mortal, and even if he wasn't, he wouldn't want any of us to derive a moment's worth of happiness from being human. Well..." Rebekah informs all of them, casting me a small glance and I look away.

"Well, maybe he doesn't have to give it up. I mean, Klaus is stuck in Elena's house by Bonnie's spell. He can't go anywhere. There's only so many places you can hide a three-foot piece of metal." Stefan points out, looking in between us with a shrug.

"I'll find it, don't worry. Just e-mail me photos of Jeremy's tattoo. I'll find the sword, and I'll call you back." Caroline says, having heard Stefan through the phone.

"Thank you, Caroline." Elena smiles even though Caroline can't see her, quickly hanging up the phone. "Now... we wait."


"Why would you be miserable if you were human again?" I look up at her with a confused expression, wondering where the question is coming from. "I'd do anything to be human again. I think I haven't been happy ever since I turned."

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now