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I hear a knock on the door and I rush over to it with a frown since I wasn't expecting Damon to come here for another hour. He's been at his house reading the grimoire to find a way to open the tomb and since I felt useless I decided to come home and have a nice shower.

As soon as I open the door I furrow my eyebrows. "Stefan? Lena isn't home, you know?"

"What time did she leave?" He questions as he walks inside the house and I close the door behind him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Uh... I got home late last night but she wasn't here. I thought she stayed with you at the Salvatore house." I explain, not liking the look that he's giving me. "Where the hell is she, Stefan?!"

"I don't know, Emma. I drove her here, I stayed with her until she fell asleep." My eyes widen at his words and I have the sudden urge to punch the wall. "I tried to call her but it went straight to voicemail."

"Damn it! Someone must've took her. Who's invited in that would kidnap her?" I wonder to myself, pacing side to side as Stefan looks deep in thought and something switches in my head. "Anna."

"What? Who invited her in?"

"My dumbass of a brother!" I groan, grabbing my jacket and heading out of the door with Stefan following behind my trail. "I don't remember where her motel is but we can ask Damon." I point out, getting inside the car with Stefan before driving to the Salvatore house as quick as I can.

"She still has his blood on her system." Stefan reminds me and I hit the steering wheel in pure frustration.

When we arrive at the house, I park my car and bolt out of the car and rush inside the house. I walk through the living room to spot Damon on the couch, reading the grimoire with a drink on his other hand.

"Anna took Elena." I inform him and he shrugs, making me slap the book out of his hand which makes him stand up in anger. I give him a death glare and he glares right back at me. "You don't care, but I do. I don't need your help. All I need if for you to tell us the address of the motel where Anna is staying!"

"And you think you can take on Anna alone? A one hundred and some odd year old vampire?!" He snaps back at me, picking up the book and placing it on the coffee table.

"She's not alone, Damon. Just tell us where the motel is." Stefan pleads with a demanding tone. "Your blood hasn't passed out of her system."

"Well, then at least you know you'll see her again." Damon smirks and something takes over me, making me send a sharp slap to his face which makes his head whip to the side.

"I swear to god Damon, tell me where the motel is or I will hate you forever." I spit with hatred and I see a soft expression taking over his face as he sighs.

"I know you don't wanna to tell us. Katherine got taken away from you because of me, so you're punishing me." Stefan pipes in, Damon never taking his eyes away from me. "I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted." Damon states with no emotion.

"Damon, I'm begging you, as your only friend. Help me." I croak out and it changes something in his eyes as he grabs a piece of paper and he writes it down.

He hands the paper over to Stefan and I sigh in relief, giving him a thankful smile. I make a move to walk after Stefan but Damon grabs my arm and stops me but Stefan doesn't stop walking away to save my sister.

"Stefan can help your sister. You'll only get hurt if you go." Damon states and I slap his hand off me.

My eyes never leave Damon's as we stare deeply into each other's eyes. "If I didn't ask you for help, would let my sister get killed?"

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now