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It's been three days.

Stefan hasn't been answering Elena's phone calls and Damon hasn't been answering mine, but it's for the best. I think if I see him, I might punch him for what he did to Caroline.

"I remember the party. Damon came up behind me, and he was kissing my neck, or biting my neck." Caroline explains to Bonnie and I, while Bonnie stares at the candle she's holding as if she's trying to set it on fire with her eyes. "I passed out."

"We should've seen that something was wrong. I should've notice it. I'm your best friend. I'm sorry, Care." I frown at her, sitting down on the bed beside Bonnie as Caroline looks at us through the mirror.

"It's not your fault, Em! Ugh, and... it's like there's holes in my memory lately." She groans in frustrations, running a hand through her hair. "This is all so weird. Maybe I let him bite me."

"Why would you do that?!" Bonnie points out with a raised eyebrow.

"Can we just not talk about it, ok?" Caroline insists, turning around to face us and I nod my head since I don't want to see her more upset than she already has been in the last few days.

"Well, let's put Damon on the do not ever discuss list." I propose and they both nod in agreement.

"What are you doing with that candle?" Caroline questions with a weird look on her face as she puts more foundation on her neck to cover up the bite marks.

"Uh... nothing." Bonnie mumbles, putting the candle down and grabbing a necklace that was laying on the bedside table. "What's this?"

"Damon gave it to me. Or he was going to give it to me." Caroline shrugs, walking over to us. "It's ugly. Em, don't you have an outfit that'll go with it?" Caroline proposes and Bonnie hands me the necklace as I raise an eyebrow at the blonde standing in front of us.

"Ouch. Just so you know... I actually do. And the outfit it's not ugly. Not my fault you hate mustard yellow shirts." I point out, placing the necklace on my pocket since I have an outfit in mind to wear it with.

"Mustard yellow is the worst colour ever!" Bonnie agrees with Caroline and I look at the two of them, knowing that I'm not going to win this fight so I simply roll my eyes.

"Two against one. How is that fair? Anyways, I don't care about what you two think. If I like it, I will wear it." I point out and Caroline gives me a knowing look. "Plus it's the colour of my bikini for the charity event."

"You are not going to wear mustard yellow bikini for the sexy car wash. You should go with the red one. I thought we were matching!" She whines and I sigh, knowing she will definitely win this fight too.

"Fine." I say and she squeals in excitement.


Elena, Bonnie and I look over at Caroline while she's walking through the hall, handing leaflets out for the sexy suds car wash. I frown at my friend but she doesn't acknowledge us as she walks past us with some other students.

"Unbelievable, it's like nothing happened." Elena growls out, closing her locker in anger which has increased for Damon has the days pass.

"She's in denial." I point out, leaning against the lockers with my arms crossed.

"Hey." a very familiar voice speaks from behind us, causing for all of us to turn around to see the one and only Stefan Salvatore.

Elena and Stefan stare at each other, not saying a word and that's when Bonnie and I take the hint. "Well, me and Bonnie need to be somewhere, anywhere else right now." I excuse the both of us and we hurry off before Elena can stop us from leaving.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now