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I knock on the door a few times and wait for someone to open it. After a few moments the door is thrown open and the man in front of me frowns when his eyes land on mine.

He definitely wasn't expecting me.

He smirks at me. "First Elena, now you. Where's your brother?" He jokes which makes me frown when I realise that sister is here but I decide to brush it off.

She's a people's person, probably came to help Stefan out with Vicki.

"How's Vicki?" I ask, pushing past him to walk inside the house and I quickly take a sit on the comfortable couch.

Damon walks over to me with a taunting smile, taking a seat next to me. "Vicki is upstairs drinking bunnies with Stefan."

"How's she adapting?" I smirk back at him, making myself comfortable on the sofa by putting my feet on his lap.

"She'll come around." He shrugs, never taking his eyes off me. "It's hard at first with the thirst but with time you learn to control yourself. Expect Stefan... he has never adapted."

"My brother has been asking about Vicki since she called Matt and didn't call him." I inform Damon who simply shrugs at first.

"Stefan thought it was smart to let her call Matt." Damon states, looking intently at me and I furrow my eyebrows at the foreign look on his eyes.

"Well, now he's searching for her with the rest of the town. Stefan is a very smart man. It's why it's his thousandth time going to high school." I point out which makes Damon chuckle at my words.

"I'll leave it to Stefan and to your sister to figure it out." Damon shrugs again, watching me closely as he speaks. "Everything eventually gets better, doesn't it?"

"I disagree. No matter how many times you think it'll get better, it doesn't. You don't feel better and the days start to blend in and you just tell yourself; tomorrow will be a better day. Tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow you won't feel what you felt today. But... tomorrow you feel the same." I mumble, looking over at the fireplace that is not lit as I drown myself with my thoughts. "Sometimes I wonder how it's like to feel... okay."

"E." Damon whispers, grabbing my face to look at him in the eye and I see a sorrowful look on his eyes. "This pain you carry on your chest, it'll fade away with time. Time does heal. It might not seem like it at first, princess, but things do get better. And I'll make sure of that." He speaks so gently as if he's scared I'll break and I can't help the smile that forms upon my lips.

"You're a good... friend. Thank you."

"You're there for me when I need you. I'm just returning the favour." He smiles and I simply return it.


I walk over to the kitchen cabinets, taking some cookies out to eat and I notice my sister walking inside the kitchen, a nervous look on her face.


She walks over to the fridge and I keep my eyes on her while I eat my cookies, trying to figure out what she wants. "Jer agreed to go to the Halloween party. Maybe... you could... join us? It might be fun." She smiles at me but I don't return it.

"Yeah, definitely sounds like fun." I reply sarcastically.

"I'm sorry for how I've been acting lately. We both have seen what Damon is capable of... I'm worried he'll hurt you. But... no matter what he does... it's like he's been protecting you in a way!" Elena speaks softly and I narrow my eyes, wondering if those words just came out of her mouth or if I'm hallucinating.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now